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Agnosticism is another way to prove the statement illogical. Knowledge is a subset of belief being illogical.

Agnostic does not hold the existence of gods to be true nor false. So, agnostic has no belief.

What does agnostic have? Agnostic has knowledge of purported gods, but they hold no belief or disbelief of the knowledge they have been given about purported gods.

Knowledge is prerequisite to making a decision to then hold the knowledge with belief or disbelief.

"Knowledge is a subset of belief " is an illogical statement.

I recieved knowledge of the statement. I then choose to hold the statement "knowledge is a subset of belief " with disbelief because I find reason it is a false statement.

Word 8 July 12

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You're conflating 'knowledge' and ' knowledge of'.

It is necessarily true that I must have knowledge of the statement "Life begins at conception" in order to formulate a belief on whether that statement is true. But all that is independent of having knowledge or belief of when life begins. It's possible I've never even heard the word 'conception' and have knowledge/ hold the belief that life begins at birth.

We have a knowledge of, or knowledge about, versus direct knowledge.

You see me put a dollar bill in my pocket versus I tell you I have a dollar bill in my pocket. You can choose to hold my statement as belief or disbelief. But, if I had not said anything about putting a dollar bill in my pocket, you would have basically no grounds for knowledge of the possibly that there is a dollar in my pocket. It's like a stranger walking up to you and asking for the dollar that is in your pocket.

The stranger didn't see you put a dollar in your pocket and you never told the stranger there was a dollar in your pocket.

The knowledge the stranger has of a dollar in your pocket is then proven false when you show empty pockets.

@Word So you do understand. Why did you get it all wrong in the OP?

@ChestRockfield op is correct and my additional responses supports and corroborates the op.


If the subject of the "point of view" is examined then there can be no right of wrong there would just be a reason that each offender could justify their actions and then society would cascade into anarchy and lawlessness.

azzow2 Level 9 July 13, 2022

Not sure how that plays into knowledge as a subset of belief. Sounds more like a free will(or not) discussion.

Doing some thinking. If a person does not have free will choice, then the person cannot choose to hold information as true or false. So, without free will, a person cannot choose what they hold with belief or disbelief.

Maybe that is how people appear delusional. People do not have free will to choose correctly and they then hold false information as true because they do not have free will to change their mind in view of information that shows they are incorrect in their belief or disbelief?

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