A question - anybody have a certain word their spell checker likes to change for some unknown and bizarre reason? List below. My phone is continually changing "that" to "thar." I sound like a pirate when I miss it.
"miles" to "Mike's" FFS, including the capitalization and apostrophe.....
You can remove "thar" from your dictionary. At least you can on an Android phone. Type the word in a text field, then select the word out of your list of possible words and drag it out of the box. That will delete the word from your dictionary.
Every morning I record my weight. But I can't record it by voice. Speech to text always makes it wait.
I find it’s really quite random….but I do usually read my text after posting and amend accordingly to avoid complete “jabberwocky”….(my word of the day in the Uncommon Word group, today !)