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A question - anybody have a certain word their spell checker likes to change for some unknown and bizarre reason? List below. My phone is continually changing "that" to "thar." I sound like a pirate when I miss it.

Beowulfsfriend 9 July 15

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"miles" to "Mike's" FFS, including the capitalization and apostrophe.....


You can remove "thar" from your dictionary. At least you can on an Android phone. Type the word in a text field, then select the word out of your list of possible words and drag it out of the box. That will delete the word from your dictionary.


Every morning I record my weight. But I can't record it by voice. Speech to text always makes it wait.


. . . lesson one, the five A's :


Do you see a list of words on top of your keys when typing? If so, click and hold when you see it thar, then it gives you an option to delete. Or, there may be some other menu's to edit words in key board memory and delete or reset to default

Word Level 8 July 15, 2022

were. always changes it to we’re…and it ticks me off.


Mine changes its to it's, and you're to your. Drives me crazy!


I find it’s really quite random….but I do usually read my text after posting and amend accordingly to avoid complete “jabberwocky”….(my word of the day in the Uncommon Word group, today !)

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