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Criminals of Humanity
Bill Gates
Bill didn’t finish college. But Bill is a tech billionaire. Bill is also a scientist-doctor. And a farmer. Bill isn’t a deadbeat. He’s a generous ex-husband, And a caring dad. Bill loves his own 3 children, And many other kids… He is the Father of Depopulation, And Uncle Genocide. Bill is a judgmental scum bag with a superiority complex,Who wants to rule the world and live forever. I call him Kill Gates. A world record of protesters of 250 million protested his Monsanto bought up farming practice in India.

Don’t be like Bill.

Klaus Schwab WEF
Moto, Own nothing and be happy. Eats zee Bugs. All designed for new world order.

Loves WEF and most of his cabinets are members of WEF. He dislikes canadain farmers and truckers. He loves Chinese and Cuba dictatorship.

Biden and Fauci
Well just look at all the crime, homeless, inflation, economy, proverty, gas prices, suicides, divorces, and hospitals go skyrocketing horrible. While US life span has reduced the last couple of decades, for the first time in human history.

Tell me why? Why are these men, are good for humanity?

Castlepaloma 8 July 30

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Tell me why YOU are good for humanity?

Not attracted or interested in corporatism and their sheep dog criminals. I do provide natural alternative solutions of food, housing and freedom that rarely anyone wants to talk about.

I built family entertainment storytelling sculptors with no X or R rated politics or religion involved. Won 194 international awards among 6 sculpture mediums, and working professionally for 47 years. And built sculptors on every continent. Show me one corperation in this world. Who is making tiny house communities for minimum wage people, Making holistic medicine and urban farming. Pushing freedom and making money without harming anyone. Show me one billionaire batman example . I will get on my hands and knees too and blow his load, like most of you.


Gates is the ultimate of suffering and toxic products. He requires slaves to support his empire. i Can't blow anyone that even looks like him, since I don't blow men. He would be the last person on earth I would allow to even mandate to blow him, I would die with integrity first. Pedophile Island was the last straw for his wife. With his money he can buy anyone off, but he can't buy love nor integrity.


It's called expression of imagination. I would say superman from another planet is more realistic than a batman billionaire caring deeply for humanity. Only two simply rules I stick to, is to be honest and don't harm. Or go for a hog nosh of mass hsyposia, hysteria and weapons of mass distraction through your phony baloney leaders or owners of you.


I was a toy for the wealthy for decades and the highest paid sculptor in Canada. Worked for top billionaire and didn't find one that didn't sell toxic products or give a hoot to help the poor, sick and poverty which is more than half the planet. My products of sand and snow sculptures tiny house and raise bed vegetables gardens are as pure blood as one can get. While sponsors for my sand and snow and sawdust were by banks, gambling casinos, fast foods, alcohol and pharmaceutical the ones who are the most horrible for one's health. If people want to condemn me for being a pure blood and healthy, then knock your evil side out. I know I'm answering with the correct answers now


Most people will tell you, these covid years has been the worst overall experience in their entire lives. Why would any thinking person, support these politicians, mainstream media and pharmaceutical scum bags?


Some people will believe anything.

Most people will believe politicians, mainstream media and the super wealthy.

Why would I join the crowds of the enslaved. When my reality livestyle is better building affordable housing, healthy urban farming and freedom. Most people stopped thinking and believing in these Government Gods, begging from banks and compliance with billionaire and trillionaires.

@Castlepaloma Some people will believe anything. I do not believe politicians nor the wealthy and I am not looking for alternative truth.


As long as not opposed to the majority of natural alternatives, we're good.

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