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If I was the parent of a child with Autism, I would be outraged. As a pet owner/parent and one who daily sees loose animals, I am outraged! You have to wonder if there's any gray matter in their skulls or just lots of space for crazy thoughts to boomerang around in.

Anti-Vaxxer Crowd Expands Its Fears to Fido, Sees Non-Existent Autism in Dogs

Angelface 7 Apr 27

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Sorry, while there are numerous articles available on this subject, here is the link I forgot to post. I apologize.



Gray matter was in shortage when they were born.Instead they were endowed with some kind of working vacuum.


...Dogs don't have enough cognition to vary enough from any standard.


My oldest has Ausberger's. He is a different learner learner. He is a very successful Vertinary Technician which is basically an RN for animals. He gets along with animals better than with people. He does fine with people he just has to work at it. Oh, and his had nothing to do with vaccinations. That idea was espoused by a doctor in the UK who had to admit he lied and have his medical license revoked.


I do have a child with autism. I also have six other children without autism. All were vaccinated because I'm not a nitwit and actually educated enough to not believe social media memes.

Autistic children have an excess of synapses in the brAin that is caused long before they come out of the womb (before any vaccines were ever received.). These extra synapses result in mixed wires/signals in the brain.

My autistic son is brilliant. He's a mathematician at 12 years of age, he has photographic memory, he's a human calculator and he's also a calendar calculator (the ability to tell you the day of the week for any date past or present.)

So no, I don't subscribe to the asanine belief that vaccines cause anything other than healthy children who no longer have polio or other deadly diseases that kids used to die from by the terms of thousands before Scientists aided humanity.

If you believe vaccines cause autism PLEASE block me...


(sigh) At the risk of bringing down a pack of raving troll nut jobs, which I will immediately BLOCK, I will again say that in the 1990s, before people were aware of the power of google search and put up defensive measures, I did research on autism when I was teaching at Morehead university, and was able to access medical journals and research papers from decades ago.

The doctors of those early days KNEW that vaccinations caused autism, and most of the papers discussed ways to conceal it from the public, to avoid being sued and/or imprisoned for pushing increasing numbers of vaccinations, to increase profits. They also said that before vaccinations, autism was unknown in this country, and that with each added vaccination, the percentage of autistic kids jumped upward.

Are you serious?

@bingst YES. And I'll block you if start one of your rants at me. I don't really care what you say. I read it myself. You are NAIVE to believe the corrupt medical system.

@birdingnut I'm genuinely curious. And I don't trust the medical industry. I pretty much distrust all industries. What about sources outside the USA?

@bingst I googled the US medical society papers. I didn't google outside sources because I was trying to find the reason behind the steep rise in autism. Link: The Unvaccinated Amish Rarely Get Cancer, Autism or Heart Disease… Coincidence? [] via @endalldisease_

@birdingnut []
"The results suggest that although mercury has been removed from many vaccines, other culprits may link vaccines to autism. Further study into the relationship between vaccines and autism is warranted."

I have a dumb question: why the hell is mercury in any vaccine?

@bingst I dunno..why does our government push dangerous GMOs when they've been killing insects and poisoning the environment, and are banned in other countries. It's all for money. With GMOs people aren't allowed to grow their own crops from seeds.


It's truly best to ignore folks like that.


What is the link?

I apologize, I posted the link today but there are numerous articles on the subject. We've seen the damage that humans can and will do and all in the fervent belief that only they see the truth that the rest of humanity refuses to acknowledge.


Wow. There is no end to these idiotic beliefs


Sorry I can't see the link, I have been told my dog is autistic by people. She just gets a bit vague, even as a puppy she would just stop and statre into space. I don't apply autism to dogs, I mean, where would a dog sit on the spectrum of human neurodiversity?

Probably at the upper end?...Just saying.

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