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So Trumpty just called for the Search Warrent to be Unsealed..
The week just keeps getting better as his gets worse..lololololololololol

Charlene 9 Aug 12

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I saw one potentially annoying speculation in a news story this morning (Fri, 8/12).

They may play ricky-ticky games and disappoint the public hoping to find out what Trump is accused of. We already know the search warrant involved Mar-a-Lago.

From the story

One important note for those expecting an avalanche of information should the federal judge unseal the warrant.

"DOJ has asked to unseal the warrant and 'Attachments A & B.' Best I can tell from examples of recent federal search warrants, these attachments will describe the 'property to be searched' and the 'particular items to be seized' but will NOT include the affidavit of probable cause," writes Harvard Law professor of criminal law and procedure Andrew Crespo.


That search warrant will bite the crazy democraps on the ass as Trump did nothing wrong and they are getting desperate to try anything to keep him from running again. The Democraps will suffer a shellacking this fall in the midterms and Trump will be president again in 2024.

You such a cute lil' mindless, bootlicking Fascist asshat..

@Charlene Just wait and see what happens in November. People are sick of the crazy democraps!

I'd like to see Trump run again. His brand has become damaged goods. The more defective Republicans run and dilute the right wing vote the better -- both in November and in 2024.

Your types were saying the same thing in 2020, that Trump was for sure going to be re-elected. Well, there are a re lot more folks now that are sick of that fucking moron than there were in 2020. I have a question you, what that the fuck are you doing on this site? You political views and the people you support are in lock step with the Christian Nationalists attempting to take over this country.........

@Dhiltong What in the hell does being an atheist have to do with being conservative?? I’ll side with the Christain nationalist over left wing moron idiots like you any day! Just to reintegrate. Freedom of speech is in the bill of rights, but you’d chose to shut me down because my political views don’t align with yours. So as usual progressive dogma practices a for me but not for thee. Perhaps you should brioaden your narrow diatribe and listen and learn instead of reissue the lefts bullet points. If you can think that quickly.

@Dhiltong, @RichCC People like Romney and Cheney are damaged goods.

@Trajan61 Really, I'm shutting you down and depriving you of your constitutional rights, LOL It was just a simple question and observation. You're so full of it, you need to pull your head out of Trumps ass so you can get some oxygen to your brain.......


All those who accept JeezusTrumpy as your Lord and Savior, pay close attention:
JeezusTrumpy sayeth the Devilcrats are hiding in wood chippers! Stormeth the nearest woodchipper with your AR15 , dive in head-first, and turn machine on!
If no woodchipper is available, be a paratrooper for JeezusTrumpy, and jump off the roof of the nearest tall building, without a parachute!
If no tall buildings available, charge the nearest police station with your nail-gun blazing!
Verily, verily, AMEN!

Trust in tRump! He will save thee! And thou shalt be rewarded with 45 virgins in Mar-a-Lardo! 😀

@Organist1 wait. Virgins at Mar-a-largo?..isn't that an oxymoron?

@Charlene TrumpyLand is filled with morons!😃🤑😛🤓🤡🙃🤪😝!!!


He's getting tons of attention and publicity, and this is going to fire up his supporters like never before. Trump and company will see this all as just part of the conspiracy to steal the election from him. They should have just let him retire into blathering irrelevance, instead they are keeping him at the center of the national stage, that's where he does best.

He would never allow himself to be irrelevant. His ego needs to be stroked 24/7. He needs to be put somewhere far away from the public ASAP.

@Organist1 I agree. Prosecuting him is the opposite of that. They should have left him completely alone and ignored him. I'm hoping the fact that he's old, overweight, gets no exercise, and lives on junk food will come to the inevitable conclusion soon enough. THAT would prevent his reelection.

@Druvius fuck that noise..toss his Fascist orange ass in the pen..letting him and his fanatics get away with Treason and Sedition leaves the door open for others to do it again..

@Charlene That is exactly my concern too: that someone just as bad (Ron Death Sentence, for instance) will step in and do things that are even worse if tRump is not dealt with swiftly. Ignoring him would only let him plot in peace.

@Charlene I doubt convictions for either are even remotely possible, especially with a Trump controlled SCOTUS. And this fall the GOP will likely control Congress again, making it even less likely. And if jailed for anything lesser, doesn't stop him from running or being elected. Scary times.

@Organist1 He's doing so publicly now..

@Druvius If he's convicted of any Federal crime, especially possession of top secret nuclear material., automatically precludes him from holding any, local, state or National office.
I have No desire to live,or die, in a Fascist country..ignore them at your own, and the country's peril.

@Charlene Not according to the constitution.

@Organist1 Biden is the one who needs to be prosecuted as he and his son are into all kinds of crooked influence peddling crap. When the republicans take over after the midterms they will launch an investigation into the crooked dealings and Biden and Garland will be removed from office.

@Druvius unfortunately true.

@Organist1 Gitmo has always had my vote as a fitting location to incarcerate he and his minions.

@Druvius, I disagree. DJT will endlessly try to be relevant. Ignore him at your peril.


Except, he will most likely backtrack on his lawyer's advice before 3 pm. We shall see. Remember, he can say something so his followers will swoon, then never do it as their memories are less than a goldfish.


Seems Garland did indeed grab him by his pussy!!!

Trump is pussy all over.

Garland is a crooked politically motivated hack and will be removed from office after the republicans take over.

@Trajan61 I suppose you and Humpty along with the bloated beached whale skeevy Schtevie Bannanon are gonna go on a revenge rampage and just kill all us weak kneed, limp wristed, libtard commie bastards..and all those POC, right? You so far up HumptyDrumpty's ass, it's hilarious..

@Charlene You definitely have your head up Biden’s ass so far no wonder you don’t even make any sense.

@Trajan61 nah..I Proudly voted for Bernie in the primaries..and yes I voted for Joe in the general.You however voted Trumtydump, and will IF he's not in soliditary in 24..lololololololololol..

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