7 15

I can not imagine the hours let alone the artistic talent put into that project. 🙂

Betty 8 Aug 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Blythewood Mansion in Rhode Island has a full garden of topiary...dancing elephants and etc.

that would b something to see



I have many of these photos in my files.

Wow! The artistic talent is amazing. Just wow! 🙂

@Betty So fun to see.

@Lilac-JadeCanada They are so beautiful. 🙂

@Betty They are.
One more.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Is this all on the same estate?

@Betty No idea. I just found them & downloaded many for pc wallpaper.

@Lilac-JadeCanada I would love to walk around these magnificent creations and see them up close. They are truly awe inspiring. 🙂

@Betty Probably need distance for the perspective.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Just found a whole bunch more. 🙂


@Betty That's where I got mine from.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Gorgeous!

@Larimar They are!


That is truly a labor of love. I'm not sure if it is love for cats or love for the craft, don't matter, it is still way cool!


or why.


I like how the model is just chill'n under the ladder.

puff Level 8 Aug 13, 2022

He knows it is an honor. 🙂

He's probably stuffed.


. . . reminiscent of episode The Outsiders episode of Ballykissangel :

"Meanwhile, Brian has told Liam and Donal to cut the hedges at the golf course, but they get carried away with a bit of topiary."



Imagine if that came to life like the topiaries in "The Shining"

As long as it is friendly, then it would be alright. 🙂

@Betty I can't help but think it would imagine me as a mouse.....

@Larimar Don't squeak. lol

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