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It seems they've got the priorities wrong...

RAF 'pauses job offers for white men' to meet 'impossible' diversity targets
The alleged move has prompted the head of recruitment for the Royal Air Force (RAF) - herself a senior female officer - to resign in recent days in protest.


Ryo1 8 Aug 29

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He said this was not "about wokefulness. It is about woefulness. The woefulness of too few women. The woefulness of not reflecting the ethnic, religious and cognitive diversity of our nation."

30-40% female does seem like a min percentage for diversity so this seems like a temporary problem. It's only important if Russia or China attacks NATO while the U.K. is adding incentives for those ambitious females who have demanded inclusion. Trust me, if a war breaks out the Parliament will figure out a solution (including drafting).

However, I dare say never mind gender, race, etc. You're recruited because you're damn good at executing the job you're given to a high standard, especially when you are talking about a job that requires highly specialised skills. There is no need to pause job offers for (or excluding) white men for the sake of diversity.

@Ryo1 If they don't then Feminists will eventually start screaming about the lack of females and politicians will have to resign. That's a fact of The Diversity Age, which I support but in a more egalitarian manner than just numbers, because...humans.

@rainmanjr I hear you, but it goes both ways. Pausing job offers for the white no matter how good they are and prioritising the other ethnic groups, and pausing job offers for men no matter how good they are and prioritising women, is deprivation of equal opportunity rights, not to mention discrimination against the white and the male. The focus should be on meritocracy as a principle of justice, not one's indetity.


The bitch's bigotry made her unfit to serve anyway. Good riddance to bad trash.

I did not understand why she quit. Seems dumb for a female to quit because other females aren't signing up so I must have missed something (which I don't really care about).


In whose opinion were the diversity targets ‘impossible’?

Does ‘impossible’ translate to ‘more than a biased someone wants’?

Only 3% of the UK popoulation are black or black British as of 2022. Unless they are omnipresent, you don't see many in any workplaces.

@Ryo1 Thanx. The low percentage greatlly reduces the number of whites who would feel economically threatened.

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