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My grandmother was extremely religious. She would pray for me and occasionally send me scriptures. This used to bother me, and then my girlfriend said getting positive energy is a good thing. Also, my grandmother was maybe the sweetest and kindest person I have ever known. Has anyone else had an experience like this where a good friend or family member is religious and not overbearing and wonderful overall?

Mdrabenstein 3 Apr 28

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Most of my family on my dad's side is like this. They are religious people and know I'm an atheist and are kind and caring toward me.


Depending on the scriptures she sent... there are some pearls of wisdom in the bible just as there are some really damaging comments. It's like any other book. If she's sending over the pearls, that's a sign of encouragement. I'm never offended by an attempt to genuinely inspire me. In fact, it makes me grateful.


I had a sweet grandmother who lived in a Jewish Rehabilitation Center in Boston till her death at 109. She was always my best friend and the kindest person I knew. She knew I felt uncomfortable seeing her there and my sister and I would take her out to lunch for a lobster roll which she wasn't allowed to eat theree.

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