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Seattle officials announced Friday that they have filed a motion to vacate all convictions and drop all charges for marijuana possession for anyone arrested in the city in the past few decades.

OldGoat43 9 Apr 28

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Probably the biggest pothead here...but I really don't agree with that. At the time...they broke the law, as stupid a law that it is, but the still broke the law.

Hutch Level 7 May 21, 2018

I thought that already happened in Washington and Oregon. If not, it's about time, and then let them go for a full pardon.


Damn. I see an half empty prison happening. Whatever corp is making money off that jail gonna be pissed


I remember a case in early 70's when a guy got 10 years in Texas jail for a single joint. So much waste of tax dollars, human resources and ruination of innocent life, it is tragic.


Sounds good.


Federal legalization is returning.
They're politicians.
They can't resist an income stream
. And yes, releasing is a good thing.


It's about goddamn time. This needs to be a nationwide trend.


This came up in my FB feed.

First thought: Yay! We're finally heading in the right direction!

Next thought: ...and why, exactly, are we heading in this direction at long last? It must be somehow economically feasible for this locality, otherwise it would never happen in the first place. Somehow--i just know it--this all comes down to somebody's ability to make a buck...


This is a good start, but usually they do not just have a possession charge, they will get a few different charges like resisting or something...


It's a small step in the right direction.


Too bad they can't vacate a charge retroactively from fifty years ago in California. It really doesn't matter, it was before computers and the cops lost the records so nobody knows anyway.


What a concept. I know of a cop who was busted in huge opiate perscription ring where doctors he and other professionals would go to face appointments and the oxycodon and other opiates would be sold once filled. He didn't go to jail because of a deal. Yet people are caught with pot and they get majoy jail time. If it is in a state with 3 strikes they can get out and go back forever if are caught again. All for pot WTF!

The whole thing was bogus anyway, the cops planted a baggie of an ounce in my car while I was working, then they came over to me when I was leaving a they reached into my car and "found it". They had to frame me because they couldn't catch me actually in possession after their informant told them I was holding. Nasty times in Pasadena CA back in the 60s.
I went before the judge and got probation but skipped out of state. Nothing ever became of it since I moved to NY. The truth of the whole thing is I was doing much more than they knew.


If simple possession was the charge, vacating the conviction is the least they can do. They must also restore any rights lost with the chage.

PEGUS Level 5 Apr 28, 2018

Good for them!


I'm just thinking about all the celebrities and politicians who get caught taking harder things than marijuana but instead of going to jail they go to luxury detox clinics. The rich escape jail.

Where I worked, people would typically be given at least a second chance if caught with drugs/alcohol in their systems at work. They would be required to go through rehab programs, or AA, or something similar. We didn't just discharge them, generally, on a 1st offense. And we were a major gov't contractor.


Nice motion.

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