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Putin grants Snowden Russian citizenship. Thoughts?

Organist1 8 Sep 26

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Inevitable for Snowden. Hopefully he doesn't now get drafted. I'm sorry he can't be forgiven, in some manner, but doing so would reduce our case against 45 now. All he'd have to say is that he was going to expose illegal secrets. Best of luck to Snowden in his new, um, freedom.


Just doing it to piss piss off some more Americans. Probably gave him a good job in one of his hack factories too. Or maybe put him in charge of analyzing the secret documents he bought from Trump.


Thoughts? A nice hot apple pie would be great today.......

That sounds great! Make mine a cherry pie with vanilla ice cream!


Snowden wants to be back home, but American pride and arrogance because he exposed the lies and criminality of his own government and its agencies will not allow that to happen.

When is the only time we find out about the lies, criminality, false flags, psych ops, covert programs, cover ups, and deceit of the US government and its agencies? Answer, when whistle blowers tells us, going all the way back to Pentagon Papers and going forward. They are first condemned and later validated by history.

I'm sure Russia is the last place Snowden wants to be, and used as a political piece, but what else can he do. He exposed the truth about his country, and they'll get him for it.

This country's criminality has metasticized so widely that it would take a life time plus to unravel it all. They can start with Trump and proceed accordingly.

Please do not generalize. If you will omit “American pride and arrogance”, we can read the following:
“Snowden wants to be back home, but he exposed the lies and criminality of his own government and its agencies will not allow that to happen.”

Also, I would write “... the lies and criminality of America’s ruling class, and its agencies....”

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