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Jury to Alex Jones: You owe the families almost 1 Billion Dollars!!!

Organist1 8 Oct 12

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There is no way that that a$$hole is going to pay that to the families!


Seems the guy just won't get the message. That's the problem when one spouts lies over and over. Pretty soon they start to think the lies are real and they are the real victims.

When I read about what these scumbags did to the parents of these children, I just broke down in tears. How can someone be so rotten to the core? What lurks inside humanity that produces such profound evil? And I don't mean this in a supernatural way.

@Organist1 It is quite obvious to me that Alex Jones has narcissistic personality disorder.

@anglophone Sociopath. Antisocial personality disorder as well.

@Organist1 Sounds just like Trump.

My belief is that actually everyone is doing the best that they can. Their definitions grew up in upbringing. I believe that the only value of importance is love. I have seeped myself in near-death experiences. Screw the Christians' interpretations as these things are worldwide. I find it a bit depressing that so many claim to have seen dead friends and relatives. Depressing because I hope for continual growth beyond.
As a result I am reaching the point where I do not condemn anyone but am trying to learn to love them. Avoid these people, Oh yes. It is highly complex but the ruling elite have no interest in the least advantaged. Greed rules unopposed. Everyone (nearly) wants more. Sadly my wife listened to Alex Jones, and I never understood why.

@Organist1 Remember, we are animals and when one has to compete for important resources all bets are off.

@JackPedigo the only sense I can make of all this is by reading books about.primatology, and I do, but in this case Alex Jones isn't competing for survival. Chimpanzees will murder to increase their territory, but don't psychologically torture their own kind for self-gratification.

@Organist1 Maybe not himself but his tribe is definitely fighting. I once heard (and it makes sense) that people who are happy, with a meaningful job with a good income, comfortable home, plenty of food and basically satisfied with life don't want to rock the boat. Now look at what is going on in the world. This is when lots of animals form tribes and fight. The low people on the totem pole are women, children and outsiders. Some politicians look for ways to gain power and money by leading such tribal groups.


Sue him back to stone age, so broke he has to dumpster dive!

I would love to have a picture of that!!! I honestly don't know if he can grift his way out of this one.

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