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Hallelujah!!!! Praise the Lord!!!! Thank you Baby Jesus!!!!!! β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‡πŸ˜Šβ˜ΊοΈ

Aaron70 8 Oct 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Now comes the problem of collection which I hope they succeed at.


I hope the families sue him for all the money he has.

That’s kind of what they did I’m thinking, since they got him for nearly a billion…..πŸ€”

Supposedly he’s worth a couple 100 million at most…..πŸ€”


Jones was not there. He was spreading his lies again on his network. It remains to be seen if the families involved will ever see any money out of his lies, namely that the shootings were fake and the dead kids were actors. One thing is for sure. Jones will have to have a constant legal effort going on now to counter his lies and this alone will cost him a lot of money.

Of course he wasn’t there, why would he be. It remains to be seen how much the victims will receive indeed. But certainly this is not good for the Yuge loser.πŸ˜€

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