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Wishful Thinking?

This was posted from one Christian to many others. Have they any hopes of getting what this person wants? More importantly ,will we ever be able to provide those persons who are wishing with what they want from a non religious organization?

Mcflewster 8 Oct 20

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Seems to have a limited opinion of "feminine"


I would imagine they would have to create their own new religion as most world religions subjugate women to lower class members.


Good luck in finding one of those churches.



How about a Twerking church?

You obviously can form any church one cares to invent. Only limit is how much money it would be able to draw in


Whoever wrote that actually wants a reality check.
They are asking for a church that will abnegate them of all responsibilities, take care of them as if they were helpless child, absolve them of money worries and reassure them that such a person as they are is actually a feminist instead of an apathetic loser, in search of a cult to subjugate themselves to.

I agree with what you said but then we all need a reality check - AT LEAST I DO AND I SHOULD NOT SPEAK FOR ANYONE ELSE. I thought it was a bit of a cry from the heart to an un-listening church.

Capitalisation is for me.

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