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The more time I spend on my computer, the more trouble I'm having with my eyesight. Any ideas on how I can aleviate this?

nvrnuff 8 Apr 29

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Once you start marching deep into your 40ish, computer or not, eyesight turns crappy. You csn thank mother nature for that...


Thanks for all your comments, some more helpful than others, some things said I haven't tried.


Anti-glare coating on glasses and taking breaks from the screen frequently.


my eye dr told me to always have room lights on with both the tv and the computer__

dr also said to get rid of all the led lights--he said there is more and more evidence that they are causing blindness


I use reading glasses


I have two pairs of glasses. One is a regular pair of no lines bifocals that I use for everything except working on the computer. I have another pair of lined bifocals that have the top part optimized for computer screen distance. They have been a lifesaver for me and I highly recommend them. My optometrist pestered me for years to get a pair and how much they would help my eye fatigue. Finally four orr five years ago he was exasperated enough to tell me he would buy the computer glasses back if I didn’t like them.

I can comfortably work all day with the computer glasses. My other glasses - nope.

Ohub Level 7 Apr 29, 2018

Being legally (partially) blind, I use an enlarging software program called Zoomtext which is made by They also have a version which can read text on the screen for you. I use the magnifier only version.

If your eyesight isn't tht bad, you may just increase the resolution on your computer to sharpen images and text making it easier to see without straining your eyes so much, or get a larger computer screen. I use a 27" monitor myself. You can also try to reposition the screen closer to your eyes. Mine sits on a 5" platform so the screen is naturally level with my eyes.


I have tri for looking at screens...


I just got a new prescription and have that problem if l am on there very long. It takes my eyes a little time to adjust after l get off the computer. If l use reading glasses that are stronger than my prescription when using the computer it helps.


Spend less time on the computer?


I needed readers when I turned 40 or so. Just can't see the small words anymore.


Yeah stop wanking when you're on porn sites 🙂


Less porn seriously maybe new glasses

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