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St Louis: Three dead, seven injured after school shooting []

Sigh, just another ordinary day in the United $tates of Absurdity.

anglophone 9 Oct 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Wow! I didn't even hear about this. I wasn't following the news today.


It takes a particular type of arsehole to target children at school. If they are after no resistance/ confrontation/ challenge, why not target disabled facilities or nursing homes? Why kids?
Seriously, it always seems to be young people who recently left school who do this. Cannot the age to own/ use guns be raised? Just 25 would probably do the trick. A step in the right direction at least.
If under 25 and really want to use guns, can join the military and go die for some corporate cause.

puff Level 8 Oct 24, 2022

The die hards won't support the most minor measure of gun control because it makes them feel like it's the first step toward taking away their guns when in fact virtually no one actually wants to take away their guns. They are a very, very dangerous group and we are in bigger trouble than anyone wants to admit. I like your idea.

@LovinLarge Lobbyists are more influential than the die hards. Fanatics are dangerous, but NRA/ weapon manufacturer's reps sent to lobby Washington is where the power for change lies. Don't take away their guns, take away their access to politicians through these lobbyist people.

@puff Agreed, that is likely our only chance of success.

@puff Politicians are after wealth and power. Lobbyists are after policies that will ensure and protect their profits.
Politicians and Lobbyists have symbiotic relationships and depend on each other to get what they want. The lives of children to them is a small price and they refuse to be accountable. As long as that relationship is beneficial to both sides, nothing will change.

@Betty Symbiotic? I think politicians would still be around without lobbyists which makes that relationship parasitic..

@puff I used the word symbiotic because there is a mutual benefit. Parasites cause damage and in this instance the damage is to the citizens and not the politicians.

@Betty But with parasites no host and they die.

@puff That is why it is a symbiotic relationship. Both are rewarded.

You may see them as parasites but they are not to each other. Together they are parasites to the tax payers.

@Betty Reward is not what counts, existence/ survival does. Plenty of governments in the world aka politicians that ban lobbyists. Politician's can survive without lobbyists but lobbyists cannot survive without politicians.
Sure when it's banned it gets done behind closed doors, but lobbying is a parasitic occupation, feeding off the host. No real symbiotic benefit for the people, you know, those whose interest politicians represent (or so the story goes)

@puff When politicians do the job they are elected to do, then I agree with you. When politicians only care about their own career, gaining power and wealth, then lobbyists are their friends that can help with that rise to power.

Two different scenarios. benefit their constituents and the second to benefit themselves. These days in North America, politicians only care about their own future and not of the tax payer's.

@Betty I'm the idealist and you are realistic. Agree.
How it's meant to work Vs What actually occurs

@puff How I would love to believe that our politicians have the citizen's best interest at heart and that they would want to do what is right for the taxpayers. Sadly, it is just not the case.

I agree. You are the idealist and I am the realist but only because I have to be. 🙂


Exactly. I am ignoring the mass murders now. They are predictable. Anyone who opposed gun control values guns more than people. There will never be a gun in my home and I avoid places where I know there are guns. When you live in a community, your personal liberties can not be absolute because they will interfere with other people's personal liberties. Here is the truth and I care not who else will admit it: You don't need a gun.

When mass murders become normalised, there is something really sick with society.

@puff The truth is that we don't even hear about most of them anymore. This year we've had more mass shootings than there have been days.


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