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To All New Members -Feel Safe Here

sassygirl3869 9 Apr 29

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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As long as you don't give out your address, you should be safe. ?


I guess we have to define "safe." Certainly people who cannot tolerate divergence of viewpoint are going to "feel" attacked when someone has the audacity to actually express that differing viewpoint. Especially true in matters of religion. But this IS a site for non-religious views. We need make no apology for that. It is also true of politics. There is no way to truly shield people from differences of opinion; nor should we. But we CAN discuss issues respectfully. If someone is offended by our presentation of information, they are welcome to respond and spell out how our facts are faulty.


haha...the freaks come out at night...hehe...we love everybody, except those we hate...haha

@idlopalev BAM! Exactly.


Nice sentiment! If we’re going to be truly safe though, don’t we need some play doh, crayons and cookies?


Unless you're a Trump and America supporter - then you will be ridiculed.

gater Level 7 Apr 29, 2018

I feel safe here, there and in my underwear...



There are people here (such as myself) that defend facts (things that can be demonstrated) over faith (things not supported by evidence but asserted as truth) based assertions.

Your "All Religions" includes those faith based beliefs that assert faith over facts that assert such atrocities as faith is a better pathway to truth then science.

I and others in these pages have encountered the faithful on these pages and if you define "safe" as not to be confronted, or challenged, they are not "safe here."


And murderers. I'm not keen on meeting "all types" of murderers.

@SACatWalker Guffaw!


But at least tell us if you're religious. Personally, I don't want to interact with people I have no interest in.

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