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I went to a burlesque tribute of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" the other night. I didn't care for it.

I expected a funny thing with different skits mirroring the movie between stripping episodes. Instead, it was ALL stripping, just from costumes. My favorite parts were when the Roger Rabbit character took some hula hoops with LEDs in it and made interesting patterns with them. (My second favorite thing was watching the lights on the ceiling, seeing how the patterns changed.)

DirCat 3 Apr 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, what about Jessica Rabbit?

He was a tall guy. It was hard to see his face, but when he did a song, it was easy to tell.

@DirCat Disappointing. ?


Must have been an sight to see when it was Eddie Valiant's turn to peel.

Actually females played all the parts except Jessica Rabbit. 😀


ok to each his own.

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