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Normally this would be in the environmental group but it was news and there is a definite link. Climate Change for dummies (because they are the ones holding back efforts to help heal the planet, the only one available for a multitude of species including us). []

JackPedigo 9 Nov 12

Enjoy being online again!

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As Churchhill said, "America always does the right thing after exhausting all other possibilities". America will wait until it is too late and costs much more than it would have had we addressed the problem early on. Most of the decisions will be based on not wanting to spend the money now. This is one of the main reasons the Republicans are not fit to govern. They continue to live in the past, and never look to the future.

Americans are no different than anyone else. The problem when we do something stupid it affects the whole world.


People will not listen. they know God will come and save them, those in the know, (the politicians) are bought and paid for by the polluters and the rapists of the earth (mining lobby)
Coal mining destroys the local water table and pollutes the ground water that is left, that is OK because of the enormous profits generated for NOW.

Simply put :-I"m good , my pocket is filling, F**** you jack, mentality.


Good post! Now how to get the folks who really need to see or read this!

They're probably thinking how they can get their conspiracy theories, to counter this, to others.

@JackPedigo I laugh but the sad fact is you're probably correct.

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