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I honestly thought this was another Babylon Bee post of sarcasm. But I guess not, these people have lost their ever loving minds. πŸ₯΄πŸ™„ So kids in grade school wearing masks are less likely to be racist, feel racism, etc?? You can't make this shit up folks. The 'Woke' have totally lost it. []

Captain_Feelgood 8 Nov 13

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What a load of bullshit .The woke wastrels enjoy labeling anyone they can as racists

That they do. They have weaponized racism. Race relations have deteriorated sharply since Obama became president and have continued that decline under Biden.

Yeah, it's one of the ways they've found to make themselves feel better about their own lack of real answers to serious problems. They try to find ways to make themselves seem morally superior. It's really a strange thing to see.


If a group is manifestly working for a common goal that benefits the group, Of Course they will feel less racist, you toad!
And racism is taught, by asshats like you, not innate, BTW.


I certainly believe there could be a correlation between mask mandates and a reduction in racism.

On broader terms, I would reword the situation as general conscientiousness and empathy correlates with a reduction in racism.

Those attitudes seem reasonable to me and things to promote in schools.

Do tell, where/what is the correlation?


A quick internet definition of conscientiousness is 'the quality of wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly'. Doing work or duty well to me includes things like empathy(non-selfishness).

I can see how a North American conservative might have trouble with that idea.

@RichCC πŸ™„ No,, I mean a correlation between wearing a mask (seeing as it has been proven to be useless as far as preventing the transference of the virus) and a reduction in racism. I mean it's one thing to say HOPING that a mask will make things better or not regarding the virus situation. That's fine as far as a feel good measure. But what does that have to do with racism? Your attempt at a correlation between empathy for those that may catch a virus and being a racist there is quite a stretch to say the least.

Cite? Where was it proven?

@RichCC Beg your pardon. I should have said there's no proof they ARE useful in preventing the transference of the virus. I think we all know about trying to prove a negative. So I guess the reasonable assumption so far is that there's no proof they ARE of any use. That HAS been shown. [] Now, back to your correlation between masks and racism... And no, just trying to be a good person by wearing a mask means you're not racist isn't going to cut it. Good try though. πŸ™„


You’re as nutty as the other Trumpists here.

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