A very wise man (Joseph S. Alpert [en.wikipedia.org] ) once said; 'If You Are Not a Liberal When You Are Young, You Have No Heart, and If You Are Not a Conservative When Old, You Have No Brain'..
I can't imagine anything short of extreme mental illness or brain damage would ever cause me to become a conservative. I'm 51 years old and have grown more liberal over the years.
Funny thing is...people actually still believe it matters if an elephant or donkey is in the office. Kinda funny how many wars were started while both were in office, how many basic rights were trampled, how many slaves were owned, how ownership of gold was banished, how many levels of progressive taxation has been enacted, how many legal scandals costing us millions and millions for political drama....and dare I mention how many billions are being sent to Ukraine while we have family struggling to make ends meet, homeless vet's, soaring gas & electric prices. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
True! Party in itself is nothing. Lincoln (a Republican) freed the slaves, and Roosevelt (a Democrat) led us to victory over the European fascists AND imperial Japan.
wrong. name the last war started by democrats. whatever dude.
@HankHunter13 American involvement in the Vietnam war officially began under Eisenhower (a Republican), but that is a rather arbitrary starting line. Actually our involvement there began while WWII was still raging. And after WWII ended Harry Truman (a Democrat) authorized American C-119 planes, flown by American CIA personnel wearing French insignia, to fly supplies to French ground forces in Vietnam. One of those planes was shot down and the crew died in the crash.
@HankHunter13...Many Democrats were involved in wars and could have ended those started by administrations before them. 2 Heads of the same coin. Democrats were the ones responsible for enacting the Federal Reserve Act which sold this country into a ponzi scheme. Democrats were also the ones responsible (under FDR) for making it illegal to own Gold! The Republicans have their issues as well but if you really think either one is less corrupt...put on those blinders and ignore the facts....both parties and most politicians are in the pocket of corporations and global elites. To believe they serve us indicates one would need brain surgery to fix their common sense which is obviously not working.
The last 3 elections have proven that higher turnouts always benefits Dems.
It is abut time that young people got involved. We have needed them for years.
millions of them are just becoming voting age. grin