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Music speaks to us in different ways at different times of our lives depending on what we are dealing with. Is there a song that has been particularly meaningful to you on your journey?

HeraTera 7 Apr 29

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"These arms of mine" : Otis Reading - too many times!
"Non, rien de rien" : Edith Piaf - Life!


Growing up Bonnie Tyler's " Total Eclipse of the Heart" got me through a lot. But currently "Thunder" by Imagine Dragons speaks my "soul."


As someone who has battled lifelong depression this song hit me really hard.
Just be warned that if you listen to it by yourself it may or may not bring you to tears.

That is nice. I especially like the repeating chorus which is (I wouldn't say encouraging) but maybe strengthening? The 'just keep' part...

@HeraTera Yeah that's the part that hit's me the hardest. It's like a condensed summation of all things I've said to myself at different times throughout my life.


This one is mine. Meant a lot to me as I was going through a divorce at the same time my children were leaving the nest for college


So many but this one sticks out. I was traveling in Israel past the detritus of millenia of conflict, when we passed a sign that said "Armageddon welcomes careful drivers"

I haven't heard that one before - I can see why it was meaningful. Thanks for sharing.


Green Hell by the Misfits


After the car accident in '87 that left me disabled with a traumatic brain injury, the song I related to most was: Looking Out From Nowhere by Michael Schenker Group.

I will look for that one. I'm sorry about your accident and hope you are making a reasonable recovery

@HeraTera This happened when I was much younger. My taste in music wasn't nearly as broad as it is today, but I distinctly remember how much I related to the lyrics during that time. Thanks for your concern, and I did make a full recovery.


Too many to count.

Yes there sure are! I like to hear what has been meaningful to others though because I can look for it and it might mean something to me too

@HeraTera Let me think about it a little more and I'll get back to you.


"Imagine" by John Lennon

A favorite for sure!


My cars didnt had pet names but they had "sountracks". Sometimes very personalized to them like my trooper "Beds are Burning", my impulse "broken wings", before the accidents was "shout". I don't do that anymore. Music is the Universal Healer.

Yes I think it is


summer song. chad and jeremy. my first girl friend and this song. yikes that was a great time to be alive

Bonus points for random Chad and Jeremy reference. I'm trying to think of a Peter and Gordon song to match you.

another one I'll have to listen to

@HeraTera world without love


Different songs for different journeys. Sometimes it might be Journey!


I agree with your post, in respect to your question about songs being meaningful on life's journey. I would have to say however, there is just too many to mention right now. I do believe however, that music's greatest strength is it's ability to transcend all barriers.

RonB Level 5 Apr 29, 2018

So many.
No one came / deep purple
Tonight / tv on the radio (check it out if you've never heard it)
Ready or not / Michael hedges
It's alright / Neil schon
With you there to help me / jethro tull
I think it's going to rain/ Randy Newman
Don't let it bring you down/ Neil young
Surrounded or spiraling / silver sun pickups
Shoe salesman / Alice Cooper

....I could go on and on......


A lot of songs, but a few singers -- Simon and Garfunkel, Edith Piaf, Bette Midler, Nina Simone, and a few others.


You are so right. It speaks to you in your thoughts. At the time you are in that place. And is always good for the spirit.


Dance The Night Away by Van Halen.

I would like to dance away Monday mornings!

@HeraTera They are not Monday mornings if the weekend annexes them.

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