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DeSerpentis stays in touch with family.

Flyingsaucesir 8 Dec 13

Enjoy being online again!

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How so?
Is it the freedom in that state that you’re afraid of?

Well for starters, his Communications Decency Act, forbade social media companies from appending their own speech to certain user posts and compelled social media companies to host speech by elected officials, was blatantly, obviously unconstitutional. And then there was the stunt where he used the taxpayers money to deceive and use vulnerable people for a political stunt, sending immigrants to Martha's Vineyard. What else do you need to know? That he vilifies trans kids, that he would deny disaster relief to Puerto Rico but gladly accepts it for Florida,...

But those in Martha’s Vineyard are 100% for illegal immigration. It seemed rather fitting that they be sent to a more welcoming community for their own well being.
Would you like to host a family ?

@CourtJester The claim that liberals are for open borders is a favorite Republican trope and lie. Hell, the Biden administration tried to extend Title 42, but the courts knocked them down. But just try to get Republicans in Congress to discuss immigration reform. They won't do it. They would rather have the present broken system to complain about. Republicans have no new ideas and aren't FOR anything. They're just trying to cling to power for its own sake.


You got that right!


He will likely be elected president in 2024.

🤮 Perish the thought.

Actually. I don't think there is much real danger of that. Trumpty Dumpty lost in 2018; he lost in 2020; he lost in 2022. IF he can get the Republican nomination in 2024, he will surely lose again. Why? Because he is, fundamentally and undeniably, a loser.

@Flyingsaucesir I wasn’t refering to Trump. I was refering to DeSantis. And he has not lost.

@Trajan61 DeSantis has a good a chance at the nomination.

@Flyingsaucesir Yes I agree and if he runs he’ll likely get it.

@Trajan61 And if he were to ascend to the presidency, that would be very bad for America. Perish the thought.

@Flyingsaucesir I think having Biden as president is bad for America.

@Trajan61 Good luck with that.


Remember this?

Sexy DeSerpentis? Oh yeah!


Very good!

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