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Perhaps it's our turn to make some money out of religion.

Lorajay 9 Dec 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Besides religion having problems,not all religious people are unreasonable just like not all non religious people are reasonable.

There is however appears that there are Powers that come from wealth & generational influence who have been very strategic in what institutions have been engaged in , thereby controlling narratives and directing people to only so much knowledgev& knowing how to manipulate with the knowledge that they have ,as they have generational knowledge going back thousands of years.

Using this power that they possess to have factions vying for them to gain the power they yield..

I cannot tell if Russia is in on it...

But it first bode well that these powers that shouldn't be are trying to make it look like revelation & prophecy to unfold

Prince Charles is the theatrical anti Christ in the play.. that's coming soon most likely..his mother's great great uncle was Vlad the impaler....

I'm agnostic on what exactly God is ,but I do know if there's one how I assume could be, that God has no part in this..


Easiest way is to tax all religious own property, tax all religious schools, tax all evangelical churches as corporations!!!


It might work. Here is other advice on how to tell there was a rapture. If some of your friends are gone and you look around and find graves opened there could have been a rapture. Others today claim that is not true coz your body is not going. OK, if there was a rapture and bodies did not go, how would you know there was a rapture?


Capitol idea. The new world has possibilities.


I'm starting to realize this is a somewhat common thought among atheists, whether as a joke or perhaps more seriously. I read a not-bad e-book novel a few years ago about someone doing successful business promising to take care of folks' pets once the people are raptured into heaven. At least, I think that was part of the plot, I can't remember the exact business model.
by Drew Carpenter

When I was looking around for the link for this post, I came across yet another novel that seems along the lines of taking care of the animals as well, though I don't know if this is about an atheist.

Larry's Post-Rapture Pet-Sitting Service Kindle Edition
by Ellen King Rice

kmaz Level 7 Dec 17, 2022

That is a genius idea as long as they pay in full in advance!

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