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I just don't get it!
What about the good guy with a gun? Shouldn't the true believers want everyone armed here?

Ktcyan 7 Apr 30

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Rarely does anyone realize that the 2nd amendment was written in the ea of 1775. When this country was fighting the British from British rule. This country had no army. Just a somewhat militia of citizens. It became necessary to legalize the use and ownership of guns. In order to call up a militia to fight the British. The 2nd amendment had nothing to do with today's weaponry.
A hunter does not need a AK47, uzu etc. to hunt in the forest.

The writers of the second amendment didn't have deer hunters in mind .


Exactly. I personally believe everyone should carry a gun.


The question is simple - How do you know who is a good guy with the gun? Physical appearance is not a telling issue nor is the mental stability of the individual (which you cannot tell from the outside.

I own pistols. I sold firearms for a number of years and can say, without hesitation, that I refused to sell to a number of individuals for various reasons, mostly because the person was drunk, stoned or indicated that they were buying the firearm for someone else (a straw purchase). Physical appearance had nothing to do with the sales. My company had been contacted by the ATF or FBI concerning at least three to five of those purchases - a year - mostly for stolen weapons.

I am reading a book, Big Guns, by former Congressman Stephen Israel. It is about the Congress wanting to make it the law of the land that everyone is to own a firearm versus a small town mayor who want to outlaw guns in her town. If it were not for the humor in the book, it would be poignant.


In the last year with full data, 2016-17, there were 26 gun homicides in the UK. That would be just a few days in the USA. Handguns are banned and rifles and shotguns are strictly controlled. We don't feel the need to shoot each other.


Rarely ever does a good guy with a gun do anything to stop a killing. It usually happens so quickly that there is no time to react, and if there are crowds of people around, you might end up killing an innocent victim. The good guy with a gun is an NAR talking point to sell their concept of more guns. More guns equal more profit for the gun manufacturers.


I don't know. I'm all for guns, but I usually keep out of that debate. I just sit here, eat popcorn and watch people fuss, belittle and fight each other. Though, I have seen several cases on Reddit and Facebook, where the good guy with the gun was at the right place at the right time and was held as a hero for preventing/intervening in an active crime. So, on that note... All I will say is good on them!

If there were no assault weapons to arm bad guys with guns, we wouldn't need good guys with guns.


The good guy with a gun will be killed by the first cop on the scene, count on it!

Amen to!


Pure hypocrisy.

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