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Peer-reviewed articles on vaccine safety--
Abstract (1st article):
The World Health Organization has named vaccine hesitancy as one of the top ten threats to global health in 2019. The reasons why people choose not to vaccinate are complex, but lack of confidence in vaccine safety, driven by concerns about adverse events, has been identified as one of the key factors. Healthcare workers, especially those in primary care, remain key influencers on vaccine decisions. It is important, therefore, that they be supported by having easy access to trusted, evidence-based information on vaccines. Although parents and patients have a number of concerns about vaccine safety, among the most common are fears that adjuvants like aluminum, preservatives like mercury, inactivating agents like formaldehyde, manufacturing residuals like human or animal DNA fragments, and simply the sheer number of vaccines might be overwhelming, weakening or perturbing the immune system. As a consequence, some fear that vaccines are causing autism, diabetes, developmental delays, hyperactivity, and attention-deficit disorders, amongst others. In this review we will address several of these topics and highlight the robust body of scientific evidence that refutes common concerns about vaccine safety.

Flyingsaucesir 8 Jan 18

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Why is the Lancet study only reviewing data from a short
span of time in 2021?
Why only follow them for a week after injection?
Doesn't having 100,000 people seek medical treatment
for vaccine injury warrant futher investigation?
"Reactogenicity was reported most frequently the day after vaccination; most reactions were mild. More reports of being unable to work, do normal activities, or of seeking medical care occurred after dose two (1 821 421 [32·1%]) than after dose one (808 963 [11·9%]); less than 1% of participants reported seeking medical care after vaccination (56 647 [0·8%] after dose one and 53 077 [0·9%] after dose two)."

BDair Level 8 Jan 18, 2023

When has a product remained on the market
after being suspected of 4500 deaths?

"Of the 4471 reports of deaths analysed, 2086 (46·7%) were reported following BNT162b2 and 2385 (53·3%) following mRNA-1273. 1906 (42·6%) deaths were in female vaccine recipients and 2485 (55·6%) were in male recipients; the median age of participants who died was 76 years...."

The answer to your question is in the text of your reply: "Reactogenicity was reported most frequently the day after vaccination; most reactions were mild."

Mild for the first 6 months after the rollout,
for people within 7 days of their jab.
What about for a year and a half after the rollout,
and for people months after their jabs?
What about after 1 booster, after 2 boosters, after 3 boosters?
There are thousands of people suffering lifelong disabilities
from these injections that never provided any protection
from infection or transmission.


I understand hesitancy, no parent wants to hurt their kid, but we also have to protect the majority of folks and especially those who are medically fragile. It can be a tough call.

Vaccine hesitancy is due mainly to the proliferation of disinformation. Unscrupulous, greedy individuals cast doubt on vaccine safety to spur sales of their own ineffective substitutes. Authoritarian, kleptocratic, rogue states (e.g. Russia, North Korea) seek to destabilize democratic opponents by sponsoring sophisticated disinformation mills. Domestic terrorists (e.g. white Christian nationalists) share conspiracy theories on social media in order to foment distrust in the government that they seek to overthrow. The volume of disinformation is great, and its damage should not be underestimated. However, notwithstanding the torrent of lies, a substantial majority of citizens have opted to be vaccinated. Since the mRNA vaccines against the SARS CoV-2 virus were rolled out in 2020, the vast majority of severe disease and death from COVID-19 have occurred among unvaccinated people. The incidence of severe adverse reaction from the vaccines has been vanishingly small.

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