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I think there should be a law that if someone is constantly talking about their religion in a workplace to those who do not identify as religious, that they should have consequences. What should they be?

ClareCK 5 Jan 30

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Common decency, for example. I used to live in Michigan and I did not encounter it often. I wonder why you do?


It is equivalent to sexual harassment: Counseling by HR to start. The person is creating a hostile work environment and thus risking costly legal suit and remedy. It is not to be tolerated.


I pity the nonreligious folks in this über-religious region who have to put up with their insufferable Christian colleagues, but good luck trying to pass a law regulating the proselytizing. I'm mostly retired now, but for the last twenty-some years, I've managed to avoid this problem. Working for myself, there are ZERO references to religion at my workplace!

Nice! Every single job I have had I hear about religion on the daily. I have not gone one day without Christians especially referencing prayer, god, blessed days, and on and on. I especially hate hearing about how America is going to hell because they reject God speeches around presidential elections. It is a special kind of hell on earth to revisit this mental shit show every few years which engulfs even the most banal topics of conversation.

@ClareCK One time there was a flood in the emergency department and one of the super religious people on our unit told us we needed to thank god it wasn't worse. The only other out-atheist told her straight to her face that god could go fuck himself. Her face. 🤯

@ChestRockfield hahahahaa That is funny!


There used to be a quilt hanging up behind the front desk of the unit I used to work on. The quilt had 3 Christian churches in it in a little town of about 20 buildings. One day the only other out-atheist and I made other religious buildings like mosques and temples and put a flying spaghetti monster in the sky out of paper and taped them on to the quilt. A few nights later we got a float RN from another floor and in the middle of the night the resident heard some rustling at the desk. When he came out to see what it was, he saw the float nurse tearing down all the stuff we put up. He asked what she was doing and was told she was taking it all down. He replied, "You know they're going to be pissed at you, right?" Her reply, "I don't care. I don't think there should be any representations of any religion other than Christianity." The next morning when he was telling us what happened an "important" doctor overheard and forced her to go to sensitivity training. We also got the Christian quilt taken down!

Funny! Her "oppression" was others freedom. Oh the irony! Let me stop you from oppressing me, by ripping your expression down that was by mine! Hahaha how do people live with this cognitive dissonance shredding their gray matter on the daily?


Hello and welcome to the site. But sorry to say I am from the UK, so I have no experience of religion in the workplace.

Must be heaven. See the double entendre there? Haha

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