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Great questions for "God".

HippieChick58 9 Feb 9

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35 comments (26 - 35)

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Hey god. Why is TIKTOK better a gleaning info than balloons?


Who the hell are you, and why are you pretending to be a non-existent sky-fairy?


I'll say... "You spelled 'judgment' wrong" (unless you're British)

I'm British.

Trust me, I don't want god to use British spelling. I want as little connection as possible between him and my home nation.

@ToakReon Sorry 🙂


'I'll flip you. Heads I go back, tails I stay and you make me an arc-angel.


While I claim neither faith nor disbelief in god, I stand back and watch the Christians and Atheists argue. I thought about a question by question response to the Atheist and I thought about lambasting the Christian for not knowing his own faith. But decided against it.

I would and often do respond to Christians who ask stupid questions by asking them if they really want to know more about their religion. Most do not, but occasionally I encounter a Christian who genuinely wants to know.

Here’s information for both sides of the argument. Christianity is not what the atheist or the Christian in the video thinks it is. The Ancient Faith as taught by the apostles is that god became man, he died and three days later he came back to life. He ascended into heaven and will return to judge the living and the dead. At this point everyone who died will come back to life (a possible origin of the zombie mythology). Christ will then judge everyone. But the judgment taught by the apostles who established Christianity is not what both the atheist or the christian think it is. The judgement is simply this, do you want to live in a right ordered community with Christ or do you want to live and suffer alone. There is no score keeping. There is no such thing as penal substitution atonement. There is no wrath of god. Free will is a requirement of love. You cannot make someone love you. So the belief is that humans have a choice. The apostles taught that god does not damn anyone to hell, humans choose. The apostles did not consider what they wrote as scripture. The apostles did not teach sola scriptura.

The “sinners in the hands of an angry god” idea came about after the bishop of Rome left the christian church and went solo declaring supremacy. The bishop of Rome’s place in christianity is similar to that of chief justice of the Supreme Court. The term is “primus inter pares” first among equals. Rome ran amuck and Europeans revolted in what is called the Reformation. The reformers lost their ever loving minds and went further amuck..

Both Rome and Protestants brought their perverted versions of christianity to north america. Now most people in north america believe: 1. god is out to get you 2. Humans have a sin nature. 3. Salvation is a one time event. 4. Humans become angels. 5. The Bible has all the answers (sola scriptura).All of which is complete nonsense and none of which is what the apostles taught.

I feel sorry for the ignorant and I feel worse for those who refuse to learn. I try to tolerate believers of both sides of the argument with the truth. We don’t know if there is or is not a god. We know very little about anything. I suspect that fear of death is what drives all of the debate. I’ve never met a person who died who could tell me what happens to us. We will all find out eventually or we will just die and not know. That is the truth.

You say that in Christianity "there is no wrath of God." How do you reconcile that with the teaching of the Bible that there is the wrath of God?
For example:
Romans 1:18 - For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

John 3:36 - He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

@Heraclitus the “wrath of god” to which I refer is in relation to judgement day. Sorry I wasn’t more clear. It is the Protestant worship of the Bible that leads them to “proof text” using Bible verses to validate their beliefs. The Bible does not teach. That is the problem with sola scriptura. Protestants don’t recognize that the apostles did not consider what they wrote as scripture. It is a post schism and post reformation perversion to take select verses out of context. It is, however, easy to see how Old Testament “wrath of god” is used to explain things that early civilization did not understand.

The point I was trying to make is that most “christians” and atheists do not know the history and original beliefs of early christians. This leads to gross misunderstandings. And why the atheist in the tiktok video asked some questions that did not require answers because those questions were based on a perversion of christianity. What modern christians teach would be sillier to me teaching that Zeus carried trident and that Poseidon hurled lightning bolts. If they are going to teach mythology, they should at least to be accurate.


I Said Next Week... Stupid Fool!!!


Me- Ok God, what group of people got the correct answer to gets to go to heaven .
God- it is the passion of the Jews
Me- EXCUSE ME! since choas and Ignorance runs the human beings most. And since the OT made less good sense than the NT. I'd rather spend my externally with a 100 billion people who ever died on earth. Than with the nonsense external insane asylum in the sky.


Hello? (Hello echoing into the distance) Yep, that's what I thought. Incubating a cloud and using your beard to floss sinners out of your teeth...


There’s a great deal of confusion in both the question asked by the idiot Christian and in the misunderstanding behind the questions of the atheist. When I have some time later today I’ll attempt to unravel some of the confusion behind her questions and to denounce and explain the extreme stupidity and error of the questioner.

If there is a god and if there is a judgment day, my question to God? Wow, I really wasn’t sure there was an afterlife, what’s in store for me now?

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