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I just had to, for my own sanity, block someone for making a really (unintentionally) insensitive comment. Maybe I'm being to reactionary, but I don't need negativity in my life.

Organist1 8 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Do you play Organ at the Church of the Eternally Offended?

Context is everything.

Must I really explain myself? My late son's birthday is in 2 days. I'm feeling especially sad now. The person who made the comment, not knowing any of this, said something like the world would be better off if everyone in the state of Pennsylvania were dead. My son lived in PA. Additionally, my living son, who also lives in PA, has a heart condition. He went to his cardiologist yesterday. I'm having a really hard time with all of this.That comment upset me. If that's being eternally offended, then I am guilty.

@Organist1 Perhaps.

@Alienbeing Read my last comment, please. I may need to take a break from all this, though I trust there are some nice people here.

@Organist1 I'm sorry to hear about your son, but yes, the explanation you gave makes my prior comment insensitive..... however how was I (or anyone to know?).

@Alienbeing I posted the story, but he deleted it. Every time I write about it, it makes me weep. I'm so tired.

@Organist1 I can't imagine the sorrow of losing a child.

Keep on keeping on, it is the best way to proceed.


Well, l guess it wasn't me or l wouldn't have seen this. WHEW! 🙃


Sometimes you just have to do it to take a break.


I’ve done the same. Your sanity is more important that messaging with an Ignoranus.


And ,

Clap, two fingers, six bats, six biceps and six hearts. Sounds like some nasty soup?


No, of course not! 🙂


I hope that it wasn't me! Some people take me in ways I certainly did not mean. wasn't you! You couldn't read this post if I had blocked you.


I totally get this. There's nothing wrong with blocking people. My time is the most valuable thing I have and I want to use every second to my advantage. But most importantly, I want to limit my exposure to things that I don't think are healthy and that includes some people.

As an aside, I know most people aren't comfortable with conflict but if it had been I who made that comment (and I presume it wasn't only because I can read your post) I would want to know that my comment had offended you. Anyway, excellent post, thank you.

It wasn't you!

@Organist1 I looked back for a controversial post and then decided the comment was probably from someone I had already blocked anyway!

@LovinLarge He removed his comment before I blocked him, but after I had told him how I felt about his comment. He was able to delete both his comment, and my response to it.

@Organist1 By deleting his comment, he would delete any responses to it, but if he blocked you, it would still appear to you as if he had deleted his comment, I think.


I agree with you. When people make thoughtless and insensitive remarks like that, they don't care if they get blocked or not. There are some people in our lives we can't block, because they are co-workers, family or some other connection, but online rabble rousers who cause us pain don't deserve to take up any space in our minds.

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