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"I’ve noticed, this is a pattern: many big-name atheists claim to be cool, dispassionate rationalists who are only interested in the truth. Yet when anyone challenges or criticizes them, they erupt in volcanic fury."


Angelface 7 May 1

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They that defense.


Okay, the article linked in my post and also the subject of my post is by a prominent atheist who is asking why certain other atheists cannot take criticism. Criticism not from Christians but from other atheists.

No matter the person or the subject, no one is perfect and if you, whoever you are, have grown accustomed to always being right, then being criticized is a blow.

Here is an excerpt from the article on Daylight Atheism, "I wrote last week about Sam Harris’ feud with Vox and Ezra Klein, and I want to follow up on that. As a reminder, Harris gave a friendly, softball interview to the racist eugenicist Charles Murray, casting him as a persecuted victim of political correctness. When he was criticized for it in an article on Vox, Harris blew up, claiming that the criticism was a “hit job” and a bad-faith attempt to smear his reputation."

Most of us on this sight are followers of Patheos and the Friendly Atheist. Their writers welcome feedback and have a comment link. Sorry we thought it was you own original quote.


Christians claim they are being persecuted....
Atheists ARE persecuted....


I just smile. It does not disturb me in the least that some people believe what they do. You might want to gather a bit more data before submitting a weakly supported statement as you did. Now stopping people from going about their normal business (to preach) is just inconsiderate and you could well expect a volcanic response. Okay, the ball is back in your court, which big name atheists lost their composure and when. To be a pattern give me multiple examples. I'm sure you were delighted to see a non believer loose it. So you see both believers and non-believers can have moments of weakness. So what point do you want to make?

Excuse me, what are you talking about?
Sometimes actually reading an article's link can save some embarrassment.


Because they're human?

If you or anyone else read the accompanying link to the article. It explains the author's premise.

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