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It's why we call her Sporkfoot and it's how she got her name.

Sporkfoot the Ho!
Sporkfoot the Ho!

BufftonBeotch 8 Feb 27

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Just more evidence that MTG hasn't evolved.


What a waste of a human being🤬


What's the rule MTG, 'The Socks Stay On'........


Sporkfoot the Ho!
Sporkfoot the Ho!

Howlin' and a prowlin'

And a snortin up the "snow."

She will start a riot and swear she's not to blame.

It's why we call her Sporkfoot
And it's how she got her name.

I think most of us are old enough to remember Smokey the bear?


cloven hooves anyone?


Effects of inbreeding. Just imagine what happened inside her head!

Not much! LOL

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