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Hmm..this website needs more categories. But here are a few Thai bird photos, just in case anyone is a bird lover.

Photos were all taken near my place, south of Songkhla, Thailand.
1.Breeding Painted storks greeting each other at nest site.

2.Yellow Bittern in reeds

3.Asian Glossy Starling

4.Cinnamon Bittern

  1. Rudy-breasted Crake
birdingnut 8 May 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Well how on Earth did you finish up in Thailand ? I think there may be an interesting story here.
You would make a great photographer, I like your pictures......

Thanks! I moved to Thailand after one of my Thai Morehead University students showed me photos he'd taken at Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. I told him I would go there myself and take photos, so I did. I've been teaching ESL here since 2016, and spend free time in swamps, climbing cliffs, hiking in jungles taking bird and wildlife photos. I have many photos on Big Stock photos to sell, but they only earn a tiny amount. It's mostly for my pleasure.

What an outstanding life you have led birdingnut,you have a brilliant brain and you have used it well. Your interest in astronomy catches my attention. I have made 2 astronomical Newtonian telescopes one a 6 inch and the second an 8 inch including the mirrors. I include the 6 inch picture being viewed by two of my delightful Chinese ladies that I have had boarding with me. Thanks for your response to my request. I also add my two adopted Chinese grand daughters featured in the scope picture.[and you are a photographer!! ]

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