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Some folks don’t have anything better to do but hate folks who are different from them?! 🤨

Aaron70 8 Apr 8

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I sometimes wonder if some haters wake up in the morning and ask themselves who are they going to hate today. Haters are like Karens. I admit that a lot of people are different than us. That is because they are not us. We should learn to live with this. LBGTQ are just other people.

One of the many reasons I began to detest religion early on, was it’s heterosexual depiction of human sexuality. I’m very much a straight man, but it was always obvious to me that gay people were BORN differently. Only a blind fool or someone in denial would claim they aren’t.
History supports the notion that LBGTQ humans have been around as long as humans have walked the earth. Science has shown us beyond a doubt that LBGTQ people are genetically different. Besides these uncomfortable facts, I have never seen a passage in the Buybull that condemns gays to hell. I’ve seen many people interpret passages that way though….👀


@Buck Most of the condemnation of homosexuals comes from the O. T. "If a man lies with another....." etc. and of course hell is a New Testament or even mainly a post N. T. invention.


Pathetic, or a publicity stunt. Or actually a publicity stunt based on a someone else's publicity stunt. Which is even more pathetic.

I don't think that I ever drank a Bud light, must give it a try.

IMHO, it’s not technically beer. But it is for a good cause!!🙃

You had it correct with “Pathetic”. Kid Rock is a big time magat. You won’t find a more bigoted racist asshole out there if you look. He’s the type that would definitely support all the trans murders we’ve had since they came out.😐

I’m not sure what’s shittier, him, or his music!?! 😒


Sad! Not so much the shooter, but the brainless idiots who slavishly follow celebrity cult figures.

Agreed, but you can’t get much sadder than Kid Rock?! Then again, we haven’t heard from Ted Nugent on the issue yet…..🤨

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