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There is a definition in an old dictionary I had, called "The Penthouse Sexicon".
Epic: Any movie starring Charlton Heston and/or a whip
Right now I am watching an old epic called
The Ten Commandments
starring the usual suspects, based on a truly suspect tale. Almost a comedy.

Petter 9 Apr 9

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You voluntarily signed up for that bullshit, no sympathy here….🤷🏻♂️

It wasn't pay TV, and I enjoyed laughing at the hammed acting and pathetic back projections, etc.


As a child in 1959 in Northern California theater I watch this movie with ten tablets which at the time was like watching Betty Boop and the Three Stooges on mars! All the effects on that big screen were cool!!!

After leaving the theater on Saturday afternoon to get home just in time to watch Hee Ha it all seem to be one big show so I would not have to think!!!

Just be impressed with all this kindergartner mentality that in the third grade just did not make sense anymore!!!

Cinema technology has sure moved on since then.


Charlie was one of the campiest actors ever. Though he did look mighty fine in a loincloth.

When he waved that rifle over his head at the NRA Convention after Columbine was when he proved what a cad he was.


The Ten Commandments is patchy, regardless of whether you believe the Biblical version or prefer sceptical history

And since it's a novel, that means the tale of Ben-Hur is 100 percent fiction, wholly created by Wallace. So what is Jesus doing in the story?


I used to like Heston until he revealed his political side.

As a Brit that passed me by completely!

I feel the same way about Clint Eastwood.

@MyTVC15 At last Clint has talent. For directing if not for acting. He has played in some memorable roles.
But it has always been the same character, more or less.

@BufftonBeotch I think that The Good, The Bad and the Ugly is a prefect movie. But I really hate Clint Eastwood.

@MyTVC15 He has played that one character very well a few times.

I don't despise him as much as I do the likes of Kevin Sorbo, Scott Baio and Banana Man Kirk Cameron though, because they are also colossally dearth of talent as well as being monumental jerks.


Likewise…it’s just finished…or perhaps I should say : Thus ended the lesson in epic bull***t.

Btw I preferred Old Charlie boy in two of his other epic roles -
Ali Ben Hur & El Cid!

At a dinner party, someone asked the host what the cat was called.
"Ben Hur." He replied.
"Isn't that usually a horsey name?"
"Well, originally we called him Ben, but then Ben had kittens."

Part of El Cid was filmed about a mile from my house.

@Petter What’s the temp today?

@Marionville Quite cool, really. Hardly a cloud in the sky, but with a cold North wind it only peaked at 23°C. I'm wearing a cardigan!

@Petter It’s only 11C here…drizzly & cold…I’m wearing socks and a woolly jumper…indoors!

Can't top the camp of Planet of the Apes for me.

Can't top the camp of Planet of the Apes for me.

@Marionville Beats having the heating on with everything closed.

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