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"A far-right media personality known for leading a hate group has some insightful words about comedian Michelle Wolf, whose routine at this year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner didn’t go over well with Trump supporters and some members of the national media.

Gavin McInnes says Wolf was only chosen because of “affirmative action,” and that the pushback against her jokes was deserved because “women aren’t as funny as men.”'

"Well, what happens when we ignore talent and hard work and we just get the blackest-looking Jewish chick we can find? This is what happens,” McInnes said before going to a clip of Wolf performing at the dinner.


Angelface 7 May 2

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Michelle Wolf for Vice President!


His comments prove his incompetence as a critic.

He sets the bar lower for a misogynist, ultra-right conservative blowhard.


I thought she was fantastic....


I love funny women and I thought Michelle Wolf was HI-LA-RI-OUS. She was the perfect comedian for this year's WHCD. A 4 hour event that happens to have a 15 minute comedy routine.


Who cares what this racist idiot thinks?

It is not so much that they think it but that we should be aware of it and also the license it gives to others who may do worse,

The real problem is that fake news obsesses over 130 thousand dollar whores instead of war crimes by Congress CIA & BILLARY who did spend Democrat donors million$ in Russia for fake reports Moscow whores urinated on Obamas Moscow bed. ....fake news is not true news. ...100% of so called White House Correspondents DO NOT REPORT WAR CRIMES BY CIA DRONES IN YEMEN triple what Obusha did 3 years ago. Nero playing the violin while Rome burns why not report the arsonist instead of the idiot Caesar? ???

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