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Here's one of the fruitcakes baking in the stupid oven. Problem with these fruitcakes is they think they're mental capacity is over 50. Personally when I used to get fruitcakes as Xmas gifts they weren't even opened, just sent along to the next person on my list. I don't do xmas anymore and was always irritated I did it for my kids or they'd feel like outcasts. We had a hannukah bush. I don't even really know what that is besides Xmas tree in disguise.

"In a tweet just hours after the FBI arrested Massachusetts Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira, 21, Greene, R-Ga., praised his alleged actions and implied President Joe Biden was "the real enemy."
Greene's remarks were met with backlash from some Democrats.

David Axelrod, the chief strategist of Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns, called Greene’s tweet about Teixeira “truly nuts,” while Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., accused her of siding with one of the country's "biggest traitors."


K9JetLee999 5 Apr 14

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Thank you again, Merrick Garland for allowing known sedition participants to go unindicted and serve in Congress, as expressly forbidden in the Constitution.

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