6 3
Lia in an interview. Lia Thompson the 1st transgender to win the NCAA championship wail a year before she ranked 461 as a man. That mean as a national mens swimmer champion, if I switch over to women I would not ever loss competiting as a women and run my swim career to right old age of 50.

This hysterical witch hunt is never ending. After 5 transgender mass murderers, Trans protest where noboby is allowed to ask questions and get shouted down as being a Nazis and they chatted the only good nazis is a dead nazis. Then Government and police support this insanity. They want all washroom and gyms to be co-ed. There are transgender women complaining about why woman don't get paid as much as men in sports. I could be, that promoters of women sports loss their shirt by very low attendance. Nobody win, that why most of this nonsense and won't get pass the Supreme count. And will last much shorter then the Hippies era and about as long a the Witch Hunt.

Castlepaloma 8 Apr 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Because Laurel Hubbard, the first female transgender Olympic athlete absolutely dominated.


She did not complete even one lift in the preliminaries and was immediately eliminated.

I hope those pearls you're clutching are fake.

New zealand in the last 5 years are really heavy into the transgender world. Another Canadian transgender who won 8 of the 9 woman weightlifting competitions smashed all records. Then the head coach of the woman weightlifting team, entered into the women competition, didn’t have the respect to shave. Then she smashed all the other transgender woman's records by as much as a 100 pounds. The best a real natural woman can hope for, is third place and nobody says anything.
I'm not impressed, and what a mockery.

@Castlepaloma Funny how so many right-wing, misogynistic men are suddenly so concerned about women's sports.


Imagine the top 5 placement in any women's sports were transgender. Why not women give it all up to transgender all together. The whole thing is totally unfair in opportunities for biological women and little girls dreams

@Castlepaloma So following your logic, a woman who has transitioned to male should still compete with females and on female teams?
They are still, and will always be female, by your logic? Right?


We don't have this problem with transgender man going into men's sports, because we know they can't compete. Transgender on both sexes can dress up and mutalate their bodies all they want. They can get together like a can of A sexual worms and still can not produce a human biological baby. None of this me me stuff impress me or make any good sense. I don't understand religion anymore than the transgender.

@Castlepaloma That is not what you said.
You said a gender cannot really be altered, so then a female who has transitioned to male should still compete on the female team.
Or are you a hypocrite as well as a bigot?


I'm fearless so I can't be transphobic. Also not against anyone or have any enemies. I don't understand religion anymore than I understand transgender and who in the world dose. A woman is a female aldult with a reproductive system. Show me one transgender man who has ever produced a human baby? If so, then anyone can call me a hypocrite, bigot or a fearing sissy. Being a white, straight, male, breeder and boomer . I'm unapologetic for, if anyone fears or against me or calls me stupid. Then they can kiss my white ass. All these gender industries 🤡and lying anti family politicians with narritives slaves. Just try to fuck my ass or suck my breeder's dick. They can't because they don't turn me on.


I don't give a damn how people want to identify, what the hell they want to do with other folks, but what I do not like is the people who change sex from man to woman, then want to compete in women's sports events. If you were born in a male body, but change to female, you physiology is still different, no matter what is between your ears. As far as I am concerned, if you want to compete in sports events, you should be competing against people who are transgender themselves, not people who were born with a different physiology than you. I also strongly disagree with any form of selling ideas about sexual identity to children, and worse yet, having children change gender before reaching adulthood. This is not a whole lot different from the issue of circumcision . . . . who the fuck did my parents and the religio-nazis think they were to do that to me, completely without my consent? And, who in their right mind would consent to it in adulthood . . . . it is all about forcing religious doctrine, or transgender doctrine upon others.

I agree forcing transgender onto women sports , children and interfering parenting. It' can relate to the fastest growing religion or like doctrine cult. Actually its getting to the level where many parts of the world. They are rejecting US transgender policies especially in free speech and economic trade with US.


This is nuts, and 'she' still has 'her's'.

BDair Level 8 Apr 14, 2023

As time goes on our level of madness increases. We do have transgender madness yes, but some use the great increase in our madness to support their belief in end times and invisible men in the sky. We are being groomed as to what we think is fair as individuals. A great amount of this is political.


How many men are going to cut their dick off surgically or chemically to enter the lucrative world of women's sports?

Well said!

The bottom line is that 'men' should not be competing in
'women's' sports. Period.

It seem 1 in 10,000 Trans will send $140.000 to operate cutting off their dick and still be at the same suicide level at 40% attempts from the beginning. Most of the media , government and financial empires cheer this on.. Maybe Lia will go into peewee football next.

@Castlepaloma Because there are still going to be people like you, determined to make their life a living hell for just existing.


Every time has its own kind of madness

There has been no madness since the second world War, like this last three years , starting with the covid 19.

@Castlepaloma There was the "Red Scare" anti-communist witch-hunt under McCarthy, then the Sixties (various madnesses), then the time when people thought they have been abducted by aliens; the 80s when a lot of people believed in satanic cults abducting and torturing children.... and so on

@Thibaud70 this institutional


I'm a senior, most everyone I talk to, have not experience another period of time within their lifetime, as much Maddness as these last three years.

@TheInterlooper You may be lost.
This is not Truth Social.

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