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Indiana Politician Identifies as Woman of Color. Here's Why That's Not Sitting Well With the Left.


BDair 8 May 2

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Well, that's obviously meant as a joke or satire.
But what happens if a completely white person identifies as PoC or Black and is completely serious about it ? Should we congratulate? If not, why?

People can't pick and choose who can identify as what. If he says he's a black chick, you should support his decision.

@CourtJester “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” ― Philip K. Dick,

Hahaha. Agreed. Amazingly, archeologists only find male and female skeletons.


Well, he thinks it's funny and he enjoys mocking PC and identity politics, which I get and sometimes sympathize with, but personally, after reading about him, he comes off as just another Repub asshole, who cares way more about "owning the libs" than about actually doing any good in politics..

I think the point is that 'Political Correctness'
has gone way too far. The current situation is
absolutely ludicrous. If you want to be a
cross dresser, that is fine. But you should not
expect everyone else to celebrate it as some
sort of achievement.

@BDair If it was not for political correctness what the hell would the right talk about? No M&M controversy on Fox, No Mr Potato Head scandals aired in the House oh and god forbid if you guys ever drank the wrong brand of piss weak beer. Just imagine without such weighty issues, Republicans might become distracted enough to idly talk about really trivial matters, like policies.

@273kelvin The piss water beer saga,
is certainly instructive.
If you have the best selling beer brand in the US,
that has a very reliable customer base of predominantly
young males, you don't really want to try a completely new
marketing strategy to attract a new demographic.
The not too discerning 'guys' that drink a lot of
'beer like product' are more likely to respond to
advertising that convinces them that having plenty of
Bud Light on hand will attract a bevy of scantily clad
girls to their BBQ.
Celebrating the one year anniversary of a guy pretending to
be a chick turned out to exactly the wrong approach.
The backlash was swift and very painful.

@BDair That's right you concentrate on the important things and leave little things like the economy, infrastructure and gun control to the grown-ups

@BDair The CEOs of Bud, Coors and Guinness go into a bar, The Bud guy orders Bud Light, Coors guy a Coors Light. Then the Guinness guy orders a coffee. The Bud guy asks "Are not having a beer then?"
Guinness guy says "Well if you guys aren't not bothering, then I won't either"

@BDair You might like this take on the subject. So much of it is deflection, issue appropriation and other forms of irrelevance.

@273kelvin Yup, distraction and deflection, away from much more important matters, like endless wars of choice, climate change, gun control, infrastructure, and economic issues in favor of culture wars and identity politics. Works like a charm on the lower classes, and always has, going all the way back to the Romans. Seems like the fools are never smart enough to unite, at least not for long enough, against the ruling class, so we continue to get what we get from governments..

He is esp. right about all the empty, insincere virtue signaling by liberals and corporations.

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