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A worrying thought for the future, in any mountainous part of the world.

I drive past this particular place a few times, almost every year.

Swiss village of Brienz told to flee imminent monster rockslide of 2 million cubic metres (70 million cubic feet)


Petter 9 May 10

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Kinda makes me glad I live in the flatlands.

Yeah. Flatlands only flood. Keep an inflatated life belt handy.

@Petter Where I am it is somewhat hilly, and I live at the top of a hill. We have to have some serious flooding before I am physically in danger. However, ya gotta come down from the hill from time to time, and then it would get dicey. We had some severe flooding about 5 years ago that cut off a few small rural towns and messed up some highways. The flooding destroyed some runways at Offutt Air Force Base.

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