2 3

Despite numerous postings and responses by me, I just noticed that my points level hasn't moved in weeks. Not that it matters anymore. 🙂

TheoryNumber3 8 June 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Hmmm... My points are currently at (132,623 pts) level 8.5. I'll check after I interact for a few days and see if that changes.

Oh! I made 10 points just by that little comment, so I guess once I hit this reply, I'll go up another 5 points. So, point system still seems to work!

@Julie808 The points are going up. I'm at 124,304 points. I went from 8.0 to 8.4 pretty quickly, but even though I'm participating at the same level, I've been stuck at level 8.4 for a few months, so I'm not understanding how that works.


My points level seems to move but I think I am stuck at level 9.1. It is taking forever to get above that level and I am now posting answers to almost everything to boost my level and also stimulate conversation. Other than this not much is happening. As for it not mattering any longer this may not be the case. Maybe admin is just thinning the herd. We shall see.

I'm quite sure I will die at level 8.4. It's been stuck there for about a year.despite my activity level. How many points does it take to go up a tenth of a point in Lever 8?

Yes; upper levels seem to take forever to accumulate points.

Most of us here have gotten our shirts and pens...and I don't think I've seen/read about any further plans for more perks beyond the lower levels...

So just relax, and participate. It's fun.

@Robecology I never got anything. They told me they weren't doing that anymore, even though it's still in the membership information. No shirt, no pen, no service

@TheoryNumber3 Sad/sorry to read this! Tap "contact" below and ask about it, please?

@Robecology Sorry. I wasn't clear. The points are still going up, but I have been at level 8.4 for MONTHS. I'm just wondering where the intervals are between levels 8 and 9. It went from 8.0 to 8.4 very quickly and hasn't moved since. They don't seem to be at regular intervals.

At your suggestion, I just sent them a note.

@TheoryNumber3 I have that same issue. Been at 9.1 forever. What happened to 2, 3, 4, etc?

@DenoPenno Yes...I'm at 9.1 at what seems like forever.

I think there's some laziness in the admin...but it is a free far....

@Robecology Yep... you get what you pay for...... sometimes 🙂

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