4 5

-5C this morning. Not nice at all.

Jolanta 9 Aug 16

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58F here this morning and close to 10C. This is August and usually the hottest of our Summertime. I work with people who claim they do not believe that "woke crap" and do not want to hear about climate change. They have little to say about our unusual weather.


Decidedly not nice!
(I eagerly await you January post when you state that 42°C is not nice!)


19 degrees last night in Moura at 05.00 before that it was 22 degrees all night. Coldest night this winter 7 degrees.
Missing the freezing lazy westerly winds around this time of year which are usually the death knell of winter.
The end of the Brisbane exhibition is normally the unofficial start of spring. Saturday ? I think it ends.

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