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After witnessing journalists call Sydney Powell a ‘nutcase’ ‘conspiracy theorist’ ‘liar’ and all of the above, when I look back at everything that happened in 2020 and how Brian Kemp was accused of stealing his election with Dominion in his 2010 win, I ask, who was crazy?


1patriot 8 Aug 20

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I really don't get it. I mean there is dumb like everyone is sometimes, dumber like a lot of people are and then there is special fucking needs dumb. You might think that on a site like this where people reject blind faith, that all of our members would make their minds up via evidence-based criteria. Not the word of some mega-church pastor clone.
The fact that you can still spout Sydney Powell's crap is a testimony to how amazingly stupid you are. Have you not heard about the $787,00,000 settlement Fox News had to pay Dominion in their defamation case? It was even on Fox (briefly). Do you think that Murdock just paid this money out for fun or nuisance value (like Trump claims his $130,000 to Stormy Daniels was)? I mean a few grand maybe but $787,500,000? Bear in mind this is a news-gathering company, one of the world's biggest and they could not find any evidence to back the story up.
Here is why. Did you not hear about where she got her source? It all came out in discovery. How the source was a lady who heard it on the wind.
All of this information is out there. It is not deep-state media. It is court case sworn testimony (which obviously does not have the same validity as some guy on Twitter in your eyes)
So "Patridiot", I have a suggestion for you. Why not rejoin your church? You can believe in talking snakes donkeys, and people with visions and be a happy little bunny with lots of like-minded hymn-singing, twaddle-believing, grifter-donating idiots and leave this site to those that have an IQ of >80.


The difference is that all of Powell's actions were outright lies, and Kemp's were truthful.

No her source was a woman who knew this was true because she heard it on the wind


Well, Faux Gnus had to fork out 3/4 of a billion because they broadcast Powell's crazy Dominion rubbish so you tell me?
Btw, any American who still supports the traitor and Putins botty boy Trump has no right to call themselves "patriot"

fucking geo soros lover are you!

@1patriot No, I am a lover of fact over bullshit, intelligence over stupidity, the rule of law over authoritarian would-be dictators and tolerance over bigotry.
Whilst we are on Soros, I wonder why he is the goto boggy man of the right? I mean there are other big political donors like the Kock brothers, so why the now 94-year-old Soros? Could it be that he is Jewish? No that could not be the reason because that would mean that you are not only fucking stupid but antisemitic as well and quite frankly I doubt if you could spell it (I know Trump would have trouble)
Btw, is that the best you've got? Typical MAGA when confronted with facts. No counter-argument just personal attacks and racial slurs. Well, let us see how far that will serve tRump in court, ha ha ha.

@273kelvin oh you have lots of fucked up lovers don't you ...the thing a fucked up liberals does is attack on the races attack...and tin foil caps because of their narrow mind you ain't free thinker believe flat earth and climate change by man is the problem is that the reason these fucker have banned up IDW

@1patriot Im a tin foil hat wearer, when YOU are quoting from a source that "heard it on the wind".
FACT; Fox News Paid Dominion $787,500,000 in an out-of-court settlement.
FACT; Fox had to turn over in discovery that Powell's source was a whack job who heard it on the wind.
FACT, You chose to disregard these facts which factually makes you an idiot.
FACT, 98% of climate scientists agree that man-made climate change is real. As does most political parties all over the globe (yes globe, I am not a flat-earther)
All these facts conclude that you are an idiot. The fact that you chauvinistically still follow Trump puts you in the traitor category too.
Ps. In the unlikely event that you come back to me with any factual arguments and not name-calling, I might revise my opinion.

@273kelvin fact your a fucking idiot 98% of those scientist are paid to say what you are parroting just like your medical system has been weaponized against the people...using money again all you need to do is follow the stop posting to post if you can't read up on this stuff or i will just block you!

@1patriot So who is the rabid flat-earther conspiracy theorist now? You can block me but it only goes to prove number 3 in the MAGA playbook. No reasoned argument, personal attacks, racial slurs and if all else fails the territorial call of the MAGA ostrich "La la la I'm not listening"
Btw your theory that those scientists are lying is NOT a fact, it is an opinion. Furthermore, it is an opinion spouted by US politicians who (shock horror) are either sponsored by the fossil fuel industry, own shares in that industry or both.

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