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Front page in Ireland

1patriot 8 Oct 4

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Well, it certainly did not kill me.

not yet, i recommend you don't get any more! you likely have a very health immune system!

@1patriot You talk nonsense. I had five, no covid what so ever, no symptoms at all. Besides all that was quite a while ago now. Most of the people I know had all their jabs too and no problems. There are people who I do know that did not have any jabs and were sick as dogs, one died unfortunately.

@Jolanta well your lucky then, 3 people dead and 1 cousin with paralysis and pfiser admits their vaccine kill people.....and do you know how many way more than that have died from covid.....any glad all is well! []

@Jolanta the new untested vaccine is out now i guess so your still a test subject!!! i just found out it was suppose to be approved April of 2023 but they have delayed.....

@1patriot You seem not to understand that if it not approved then they are still testing it. Saying that vaccines are not tested is just plant rubbish.

@Jolanta yes they are still in the testing stage....ok

your are the test subject! they will not be fully approved for 3 more months!!!

@1patriot So what are you one about then? If you don't want to be vaccinated then don't but if you do get covid then don't expect doctors to try to rescue you. No ventilator for you. Don't even ask.

@Jolanta thank you for wishing me dead.....i have had covid and survived and now i have a life time of immunity to all strains. you really need to learn that the TV and Radio are brain washing you...... i pay the same money as you for medical why should i not use it....what about all those who are sick from the vaccine should they get medical services? because they took an untested emergency vaccine that harmed or killed them. i would never deny medical for either side.....

@1patriot Sounds to me like you want the cake and eat it too.

@Jolanta you figure i should pay for your medical care but shouldn't benefit from the system because i wasn't vaccinated with biotech engineered MRNA kill shot....i should be denied medical care if i got covid......what kinda cake is that? you know that sounds like a lunatic's way of thinking don't you

@Jolanta people are dying everyday from these shots......Tori Kelly


Woman abused by The Irish Light, which falsely said vaccine killed her son.

The Irish Light claimed that the COVID-19 vaccine killed her son, but in fact he committed suicide, and he had never been vaccinated against SARS CoV-2


your off topic again the headline reads "Pfizer knew their vaccine would kill" have you tried looking that up, it's conspiracy truth. type that into your google search.... "Unbeknownst to most, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from back in 2021 produced what has come to be known as the "Confidential Pfizer Report," showing that the vaccine giant has known all along that its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) jab is deadly."

@1patriot The topic is the unreliability of The Irish Light.

@Flyingsaucesir [] so is the BBC i have lots of misreporting from the BBC it's always easy to discredit which is what you like to do. the headline is very provable as Pfizer admitted it....


@1patriot Actually, the BBC is a pretty good journalistic institution. And they're not the only ones calling The Irish Light a font of disinformation. 😂


@Flyingsaucesir non the BBC see is shit and that where you get your knowledge from..... not that the irish light is any hell it's the first time i have ever seen it... it was only the headline and the headline is true so you just keep on watching the BBC shit news and the CNN shit news and you will continue to be misinformed....have got all you Covid Booster? make sure you get them cause BBC and CNN say you need them to protect your self ...oh and don't forget all the others you are protecting when your dead!

@1patriot 😂😐🤦

@Flyingsaucesir if it's not on corporate mainstream fake news disinformation media it's got to be true


You might as well get your information from the National Enquirer 😂

"The Light is a self-published, monthly British far-right and conspiracy theory newspaper...which claims the COVID-19 pandemic was a hoax."

"The paper has been criticized for spreading COVID-19 misinformation, antisemitic conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial. It regularly prints articles written by conspiracy theorist Vernon Coleman, and according to a review from Harvard Kennedy School "includes content that is aimed at prompting participation and activism amongst adherents of conspiracy theories, rather than simply presenting information". It has been described as containing 'extremist propaganda'"


and BBC is a daily conspiracy theory newspaper so were just about even except they told the real story that month. the vaccine is killing people. you never answer if you got your for the good of the country....


Somebody must have really been kissing the blarney stone!


Well, I live in Ireland and I haven't seen this paper anywhere. Are you sure it's a reliable source?

not sure but there are many articles written with this headline..[]
Documents now reveal PFIZER KNEW many vaccine recipients would likely suffer from MYOCARDITIS
and many have in Canada. i know 3 dead (friends) and one cousin with paralysis.


@1patriot Here's an idea, go speak with an actual doctor. The instance of myocarditis has ALWAYS been higher in men, something known by the medical profession well before the Sars Co-V 2 virus encircled the globe. The COVID vaccine by Pfizer did NOT change that statistic.

I did a few searches to figure out just what The Irish Light was. Their website claims to be a legitimate journalistic publication, but if you look at the stories, it is pretty much what the far right British publication, The Light, puts out. It is described as "self published", so I suspect it is just a handful of far right conspiracy theorists who decided to try to make their views appear to be legitimate by creating their own publication. Wikipedia has no entry for "The Irish Light", as they have only been around for about three years, and don't really have a circulation worth noting.

@silverotter11 it very high here in canada and much higher than in the past. have you got that article that says what you posted to me? here's what i found when i searched your post.... []

i look after my own health, who ever or what ever company pays the doctors are who the doctors support.... many in canada are pill pushers you go see a doctor and the first question from any doctor is how can i help you to day....and you tell them and then leave with 1-3 prescriptions.
for 15 years i went to doctors and asked why my left hand was stiff and sore, my feet were sore, they told me high blood pressure statins high cholesterol....nope i quit all there shit...15 years later turns out i have bad lungs low oxygen in my blood ( i am a none smoker) i now use NAC, an inhaler, i have early stage COPD now that i have been treating it my left hand is good my feet don't hurt....i did this with a doctor from a walk in clinic who's not on the government or pharmaceutical payroll.....
if you getting up in age start reading for your health....

No it’s not even a newspaper in any legitimate recognised sense of the word!

@1patriot, probably it's based in Northern Ireland, therefore the link having UK. Second, by having the white rose as the name, most likely the replies given by other members made a lot of sense. As I live in the Republic of Ireland, that publication never gets here, especially if the symbol is the rose, which wouldn't have much popularity here.

It's not. Reliable. At all.

@Paddypereira, @snytiger6 I already posted a Wikipedia link to The Irish Light…if you read into the item on Gemma O’Doherty you will find a reference to it…
…and no it’s isn’t a Northern Ireland newspaper, it’s self published in Dublin and copies most of its information from English far right news sheet “The Light”…as you will read in the above link..

@Paddypereira they have deflected the conversion to the publication company but the topic is or the headline is not wrong "Pfizer knew their vaccine would kill" this is what should be concerning everyone can you see what i put up with? pfizer admitted this in their documents.

@1patriot I spoke with an ACTUAL doctor. I did not get this from any on line article. Glad you health is improving.
The fact remains the instance of myocarditis being higher in men has been a puzzle to the medical profession for some time.

@silverotter11 and it has exploded with the vaccination if you spoke with scientist or medical Doctor. here in Canada the weekly death rate is up for all causes, and the leading cause of death in Alberta is sudden death.....might take me a well to find that info if you want me to prove that as it 6 months ago or more that i found it on the government of Canada web site.

@Marionville, thanks for the correction. I live in Dublin and I never saw this around. I find strange some English right wing would operate from Dublin because the Republic of Ireland, as a former UK colony, wouldn't have much sympathy for that kind of cause. Unless, of course, if they're English expats living here.

@Paddypereira The Irish Light is run by Irish journalist Gemma O’Doherty, but she gets most of her information from The Light which is an extreme right wing alt fact newssheet published in England.

@Marionville, we can't really trust the sources these days, right?

@Paddypereira Some are certainly less trustworthy than others…

@Marionville, with so much information circulating, it gets harder and harder to say which one is the best or right one.

@Paddypereira I think we know which ones are definitely not reliable and should look to which organisation is funding the publication. Follow the money and vested interests and that’ll give you a clue to how reliable they are. Try to find those publications with the most independent minded policy on editorial freedom and history of investigative journalism.


Tomorrow's headline: "Endof the World is Saturday"
I am available to care for your pets, house, and estate (for a small fee!) in case they send you back.

yes, one that takes advantage of others like corporation have done in many cases!


The Irish Light is not an Irish newspaper…it’s an extreme rightwing conspiracy theory rag…

So because the newspaper is "Right Wing" and you haven't read the article, that means the vaccine is safe???
Glad that's all it takes to clear up an argument.

@CourtJester It isn’t registered or recognised as a newspaper..and it’s misleading for the op to portray it as such. It’s a free conspiracy theory, alt fact, unsubstantiated propaganda sheet. A newspaper of any standing or credibility it is NOT. Believe what you like about the vaccine and whether it’s safe or not..but first just get your facts from credible sources before you decide and not from distinctly suspect ones such as this…

Wikipedia is not a trusted site many who have written there biography only to have Wikipedia come in and change some of it. i do not know this paper at all it could be the national inquire for all i know. but the headline is not wrong there's been many articles written about what Pfizer knew. []

@Marionville and yet every thing they wrote is true i posted it earlier to you

It is frustrating but my idea is go talk to an actual doctor, one who specializes in the heart. The instance of myocarditis has ALWAYS been higher in men, something known by the medical profession well before the Sars Co-V 2 virus encircled the globe. The COVID vaccine by Pfizer did NOT change that statistic. Save your keyboard - hahahaha - they won't listen.

@silverotter11 No..they are already deep into conspiracy theory land…everything is so black and white with people into this mindset, they can’t evaluate by taking a wide consensus of reliable sources, but are already convinced government, pharmaceutical companies & powerful corporations are in cahoots to control and hoodwink us….

@Marionville I actually believe this in some ways, but am not so stupid to use such questionable sources (i.e. made up of whole cloth!) to try and demonstrate my superior knowledge.....Lol!

@AnneWimsey Some of the things they believe are probably true, or have some basis of truth. However because they also buy into and believe things that are outrageous and patently casts doubt on everything they say…

@Marionville I also have always distrusted those who practice wide-eyed acceptance of anything on the TV or in print, not for one second thinking to be a bit skeptical because Anybody can say/ write Anything, and of course later they have to be carried off in a net......

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