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Shark attacks sure seem to be on the rise….🤔

Aaron70 7 Nov 1

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Stay out of the water. The sharks think you are food.

I reckon we are food. We’ve been at the top of the food chain for so long that most seem to be unaware of this….🤠

And I fully concur with you’re approach to staying out of the water. I never cared for the beaches anyhow. My ex wife insisted on dragging me to a beach every summer when I lived in the south. Fuck the beach….nuttin but a bunch of sand getting in places in don’t belong, nasty ass salt water, and people everywhere!!! There’s all kinds of shit in the water that will either bite you, sting you, or eat your ass. But the worst is probably all the mfing people!!
Folks can have the beach, I’ll pass!🤠

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