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Bill Gates Facing Life B[] Bars

1patriot 8 Nov 3

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Boy, his ex-wife is really pissed!


You have gone from willful misinterpretation of Very spurious sources to outright slander & libel.......I hope you get sued!

What did i far nothing its news report abd they are all over the net

@1patriot becuz everything on the net must be true, right?
It's not just 99% BS from random nutters?

@AnneWimsey your stupid if you think everything on the internet or the tv or the radio or publication....but yes billy gates has been charged


There a hole bunch of news on this

@1patriot Only fake news because use your ilk thinks lying is acceptable.

@LovinLarge ok so whole bunch of news is lying....but CNN isn't even reporting it oh so it can't be

@1patriot I don't see a CNN link.

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