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RFK Jr: "Climate issues and pollution issues are being exploited by the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates and all of these big mega-billionaires the same way that Covid was exploited..."
this guy understands it, how come some of you don't understand it IPPC is a funded billionaire program..... CO2 is not your enemy and does not warm the climate the only thing that warms the climate is the sun!

1patriot 7 Nov 3

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yes that's very important, so if the corporation of the world are geo engineering chemical trails in our skies. this concerns the hell out of me as it affects millions of people....not just me i want clean air and i want them to stop lying about climate change. CO2 is not pollution if you take CO2 out of our air everything dies...i use CO2 in my green house it make plants grown....we learnt this shit in grade 2!


You do know your head is fully up your ass…….

Sheep that's all you are.
The planet heating up you only 10 years to live stupid fucker your second name chicken little


You and RFK belong in the looney bin. Stop spreading misinformation!

Funny this is your following the misinformation and believing it 17000 scientist say the planet not warming and CO2 is very important to the planet
It is that's spreading misinformation.....pull your head out of the hole

@1patriot You have zero credible evidence to support any of your nonsense claims because they're not true.

@LovinLarge i am fucking hunting right now i have all the proof i need but i am not stopping my hunt to show some idiot how to find the truth.....


@1patriot You don't even know how to determine the truth because you never learned how to distinguish fact from fiction. You have no regard for what the truth really is. Anyone can say anything but facts have to be proven and verifiable. As an atheist, you should appreciate that more than anyone but you are blinded by your need to hatemonger those who are different that you are. Yours is truly shameful conduct.

@LovinLarge fuck off shameful conduct.....and you should do just that

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