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When someone tells me they have deeply held religious beliefs...

snytiger6 9 Nov 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Indoctrination, especially from childhood that continues into adulthood is the most difficult to change or reason with.

Betty Level 8 Nov 11, 2023

That tells me two things. They lack cognitive flexibility, and their prefrontal cortex is horribly damaged.


that rationale is the human version of how some animals/insects advertise how toxic or dangerous they are with bright striking colors, or warning sounds. best to stay away and not engage.


Would overloading them with requests for the REASONING behind their beliefs work to change them? Be sure that they understand that it must state their PERSONAL reasoning starting from agreed[with you] facts, and that you will discount anything that you heard or found out from someone else. Then you will be able to judge their "sheepish behaviour".
Is it worth a try as you seem to have established a channel of communications.

My question would be....why? Why involve yourself in discussion with theists?

@pamagain My known theists are not my enemy because many of them are friends , but it is as well to know their thinking patterns and origins of belief in that we could develop llines of persuasion to dismantle same, in a manner that avoids more upset even terror. That is why I am here in 'agnostic'/ How about you?

@Mcfluwster Of course the word ''enemy'' doesn't apply...but my experience has been that, eventually, polite discussion proves to be unhelpful and you either agree to disagree or walk away. I've been an atheist long enough to know that the only way to this path is through self-discovery.


That is exactly what it means. On a delivery yesterday I found out that the man and his wife are Pentecostal and we talked for a while. They had no idea of my background but were in hopes of me "finding my belief again" in the future. This was said after they asked me what got me away from my religion and I replied "too much bible study." They did not listen when I told them the facts. My remark was treated as if I said I got tired of too much bible study and that is not what I really meant. I know how and when the big book was put together and how and when we got the bible book we have today. This knowledge alone is enough to make any reasonable person stop believing.

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