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So I presume that a hacker, I'd guess a religious nutcase, found a way to make our site unsafe, The first message I got effectively told me that my computer would be compromised if I got into this site and so it would not let me proceed. Well someone is caring for this site and removed the hacker. Thank you. But how did the hacker do it as this was the 2nd time.

rogerbenham 8 Nov 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Cyber security can be a complex and dynamic field, and hackers are constantly evolving their tactics. It might be worth reaching out to the site admin or tech support to see if they can shed some light on the specific vulnerabilities that were exploited.
On a positive note, it's great that the site's security measures are effective and that someone is actively monitoring and safeguarding it. Vigilance is key in the online world!
By the way, I've heard of instances where ethical hackers are hired to identify and patch up vulnerabilities in websites. It's like having a digital security expert on your side to proactively defend against potential threats. Maybe the site owner could should hire a hacker to perform a thorough assessment and ensure the site is robust moving forward.


The Lord works in mysterious ways!??😇


NO it's just god striking down the site every now and them because we don't believe in him!

Then to be more effective he needs some of Thor's thunderbolts.


Sorry, no. And that is not how hackers work. It is the built-in security software on your personal device that prevents you from accessing a site whose security certificate is expired. A hacker would be in the background, gathering data about the members on this site. There may well be one now, but we’ll never know because they are everywhere on every web site doing just that. They want the information/data, provided by each person to the site. If they want something else, they will ask for a ransom from the site owner. This site probably provides little of interest beyond contact information,. You have to worry a whole lot more about your credit card accounts, your health insurance and your medical records, than you do about THIS site.

Thanks. You sound knowedgable. Credit cards I have but two, the main one tied to my bank. Health insurance and medical records are all in the hands of my provincial government and and anyway I could not care less what people know about my medical history. Having had about $2 million in operations in the last year costing me $80 for a voluntary ambulance ride, I'm not complaining.
Well that security certificate did not last long - about 3 months?

@rogerbenham It DOES make one wonder about WHO might now be in control, though, since we never hear from the “owner”.

@KateOahu No we do not. And I never got the teeshirt. Someone renewed that security certificate. I guess that the "owner" sits back and watches us play. The one thing that I do not want to do on an anti church site is discuss religion. At universe level there was a creator but totally beyond our understanding. Whatever, last November in hospital I was visited by threebeings who were clearly there to endure that I lived and radiated love and caring and were touching me. They only looked like 4 or 5 foot columns of smoke. I do not need a god to know that they came from beyond the veil. I'm here for the music,


There is no hacker involved here. It is just your browser reacting to an expired security certificate. When this happens I use my Edge browser and make an exception and chose to visit this site anyway.

I looked up Edge browser. It seems to be a Microsoft application. I'll have to find out if it will work with Linux. I;ve been on linux since despairing of Microsoft in 2004.

@rogerbenham If it is not compatible, try Brave browser, I use it and I think it is Linux compatible

@LenHazell53 That's what I'm using. I got fed up with Firefox loading my operating system.


Not a hacker. Just a temporarily expired security certificate, now renewed.

skado Level 9 Nov 12, 2023

Wild, noticed i can't get into the site at times, it 'times' me out. Never knew it was a hacker

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