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Trump - the greatest president in my lifetime! Historically low unemployment, 3 million new jobs. Booming economy, peace on the Korean peninsula, new trade deals that are fair to America - and its only going to get better - world peace is next!

gater 7 May 4

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Oh gater, you like trump, wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the ass. Thanks for showing us the stupidity of trump supporters.

Typical brain washed liberal response - go buy a clue

@gater Typical brain washed conjob-servative response - go buy a clue. There fixed it for uou!

@Redheadedgammy When you bash Trump you are just showing your ignorance

@gater no gater, when YOU praise and gush your love for trump, YOU show the ignorance of your entire ideology. Now go on over to some right wing site. They suck your ignorance down like honey.

@Redheadedgammy When you don't acknowledge his accomplishments you are showing your ignorance


Da, Comrade!


I hope you are just kidding and aren't really one of his crazy, brainwashed cultists.

Im just an American that knows greatness when I see it - maybe you are the brainwashed cultist.

@gater I must disappoint you. I am not a cultist. I am not taken in by con men. I see what is happening, and it isn't good. I wonder what makes you think he is great. Is it his Trump University scam? Is it his maniacal tweets, with childish, made up names for people he doesn't like? Is it admiration of the White Supremists/neo Nazis/KKK? He even has some in his cabinet. Very nice. Is it that he is appointing billionaires to all of his cabinet positions, especially ones who are trying to destroy the positions they are heading up. What is especially nice about that is they are not only destroying the air, water, our national parks, public schools, unions, and all of the positions who require scientists. How about that Rick Perry. He was appointed to the department of energy, has no knowledge of anything close to what he should know to run it, and even said that he didn't know he had to be in charge of nuclear. Good planning. Maybe you enjoy his lies that are on tape, out there for everyone to see, then lies again to cover up his first lies. That could be a good mind game, trying to remember which lie came first. Kinda like the chicken or the egg type of puzzle. Good times. He knows absolutely nothing about the constitution,but who cares? Who needs it? Oh, I bet I know. He is enabling the radical Christian evangelists to worm their way into government. That must be it. If he keeps this up long enough, or kids will be learning creationism in science class and reading the bible in English class. He will suck up to them till the cows come home, to get their vote. Theocracy, here we come, courtesy of the smarmiest, creepiest, honest Christian that ever lived. What a great guy.

@Wisewoman3 I clearly listed some of my reasons why he is great. Are you a bitter democrat that is still hurt that your candidate lost?

@gater No Gater, I am not a bitter democrat that is hurt because my candidate lost. I am definitely not a delicate flower. I was not for Bush, but I saw some of his good points, and was never fearful of him destroying our country, or loosing the rights that Americans have, under Bush. I was not worried about him getting rid of social security, Medicare, and Medicaid. I wasn't worried about our educational system, our environment, about him admiring Neo Nazis/White Supremists, about the national debt, about the banning of words like climate change and other words that are risks that require scientists, about the hobbling of the CDC, and NIH. These are real threats to our lives, our planet, our country. I am very worried about those things and more, under Trump. I wonder if you would look at my concerns that I listed, and explain why you think those are good for the country. I wish you would give cogent, thought out, coherent reasons, that make since. I often ask Trumpists to do this, but all they do is give me vague, incoherent, jingoism. Is it possible to have actual thought out reasons that these are good reasons for him to be president? Especially, for this board, to have some reasoning behind his sucking up to radical, Christian evangelists, and enabling them to infiltrate government, is a good idea.


Yeah, also Liar in Chief, cutting taxes for himself and rich people. Where average middle class might get $2000 tax cut, he is causing inflation and raise in interest rates. My rates have already gone up 1/2 point. My mortgage has gone up $100.00 a month. So that is $1200.00 you can deduct from supposedly tax cuts. The economy was good before he took over, we did not need to supercharge it. The average worker has not seen any wage increases. He is allowing industry to pollute our waters and air, so our kids will get sicker. He is destroying health care and will raise the costs or make the insurance policies weaker with more exceptions. His character is nauseating, he is distancing our allies while kissing Putin's ass. The world thinks that he is an idiot. That is because he is. He is totally wrong about the Iran deal and TPP. Because of the trade wars he is causing, he will cause our goods to increase in cost and there goes what was left of our huge tax cuts. Meanwhile he has gained about 2 billion dollars in tax reduction for him and his family. He has gained millions in emoluments and promotions. He is breaking every rule. I still want to see his tax returns.


Honey, you are in the Wrong place, and ought to try watching something besides Fox!

yeah - I know this room is filled with brain washed liberals - but you can't deny the numbers


Yes he’s doing a helluva job so far. I just wish he had more support from congress.

hahahaha love it!


If he is the greatest president of YOUR time, your time must have started a few months ago.
None of the things you have mentioned are his accomplishments. He is riding the coattail of his predecessors. He couldn't find his ass with both hands. The only thing he accomplished is dividing this country.

no - what is dividing this country is close minded liberals that refuse to acknowledge his accomplishments

@gater the same way that conservatives refused to acknowledge accomplishments of Obama? It's happening on both sides...far right and far left

@crazycurlz Well the deficit did double under Obama, he gave billions to Iran, millions of Americans went on food stamps...

@gater , "Close minded liberals"? You did make me smile with that statement. These days all the information you want is under your fingertips on the internet. All you have to do is research the accomplishments of the liberals and the conservatives and compare to see how grossly wrong your statement is. While you are at it check out the meaning of the word liberal in the dictionary. Better yet, I'll tell you here....It means, "one who is open minded or not strict in the observance of the orthodox, traditional or established forms or ways, Advocate of individual rights."
Many freedoms you are enjoying today were obtained by the efforts of those you call liberal.

@gater If you are a person of genuine interest in fairness, you may look at this Forbes article before blaming Obama for the deficit.


It tells you what Obama inherited and the deficit should not be blamed on him.

@gater you do realize that he was investing in a fragile downturn, the worst since the Great Depression? Compared to other economies around the world, I'd say Obama did the right pouring money into the economy he helped a lot of people through the worst of times. Other countries were stumbling along for much longer than the US and many broke into riots due to shortages. In addition, the deficit first doubled under Bush Jr. then doubled again under Obama.
Millions of Americans went on food stamps because it was available. Otherwise they would have faced starvation.

@coreten Its my understanding the deficit doubled under Obama while he gave 150 billion to Iran, including 1.8 billion in cash. Obama was a politician - not a businessman - he would have run this country into the ground if he stayed much longer.


It's hard to tell now a days if this posting is meant for real or sarcasm. Either way, hear me out. At least I will always give Trump the benefit of the doubt in a sense that he is probably the President that have had to endure the most harsh conditions, some self inflicted and some totally uncalled for, for the longest time and yet being a billionaire I was convinced months ago he was going to quit saying out loud "I don't need this shit" and to his credit, he is still standing. I get that a lot of people don't like him and others plain hate him and even more interesting, some don't even know why neither ask themselves why. All I can say, I do not know him, he does not know me, I couldn't care less for him as just another citizen as he couldn't care less about me. That being said, why would I want to let my blood pressure go to the roof because I decide to hate someone who does not know me at all? I cannot understand that.

yeah I don't get all the hate and racism from the liberal left - I find it pathetic

@gater it is actually interesting times.... Now its more important to prove Russia collusion than anything else and when that takes too long then a porn star ( nothing personal against her anyhow ) is now the point of reference based on events that may have happened out of the timeline at task and at the own dime of the suspect. The obsession to undermine current administration is not rational any longer. We have to do our part anyhow, its time to unite and invite everyone who disagree with the current administration to vote next time around as they see fit. That is our system.

@IamNobody Yeah, the Dems are just looking for anything they can use against Trump - like spoiled children that don't get their way - its sad and pathetic what Mueller and his crooked team are doing.


if this isn"t sarcasm< may i send you my address to get some of whatever you are on?

funny - no these are facts - I know the liberals want Trump and America to fail - but the economy is strong thanks to Trump - we've gained global respect - and he will bring peace to the world.

@gater wow__keep on smokin


I did like the turn of events with the Korean peninsula. But then it became apparent that Un has ulterior motives and it may be that Trump, inadvertently, provided Un 'cover'.

Absolutely. Drumf is getting played like a fiddle.


I need to get a hold of whatever drug you're on!!!!!

just the facts

delirium's root cause can also be UTI

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