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War: Two Options

Option 1: Are lives being saved in the Middle East and Ukraine by arming either side? Crush the opposition and end the war, right? If so, use a nuke and let's get on with life, right? Enough of this small bomb stuff and bullets. We need far better killing machines. We can't simply take out the leadership. What about the people that follow their leaders? They have to die too. It needs to be a mass killing. We need better weapons, fast, and we need to get them to “our” side ASAP.


Option 2: We need to stop arming anyone and let nature take its course. People will die one way or the other. People will suffer one way or the other. We need to be there for those that suffer and decide they want peace, not war. We need to support those peaceful people on either side. We need to support peace, not war. We need to support healing, not killing.

If you are for the first of these two options, you need to examine your head. War and killing solve nothing. Peace and healing are the only way forward. Call out those that hate. Embrace those that love. Expose the darkness to light. Darkness can only be extinguished by light, not by more darkness.

FvckY0u 8 Nov 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Anyone suggesting the use of nuclear weapons as if they were they same as conventional explosives shows a total ignorance of the effects of nuclear fall out and what for decades has been labeled "MAD"..... Mutually assured Destruction.


Using nukes is insanity! We should never use a nuke unless there is simply no other way and we are fighting WW3.


I agree but if option one does happen we need 4 nukes; Vatican, Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina.
Option 2 needs a dismantling of the industrial congressional complex because they won't stop war when the GDP depends on it.

puff Level 8 Nov 17, 2023

@FvckY0u Not an illusion to people of Gaza dying courtesy of US munitions.


I agree, but you seem to overlook that war is America's largest and most profitable, at least for a few, industry. And they have almost all of our pols in DC, from both parties, completely bought off, for several decades now. So, go ahead and decry the war machine, you silly peasant, because what you and I think, doesn't count for shit. That is why even if the masses rose up, somehow, and demanded an end to this insanity, the ruling class and the MIC would never allow it. They would simply do a military crackdown, with bipartisan support, declare martial law, and we would be permanently done with this silly charade of elections and fake democracy..

@FvckY0u Theoretically, they don't have power over the masses, but at the same time, that is only true if the vast majority of the peasants have the guts and trust in their fellow peasants, to rise up together and risk being persecuted or crushed, as a movement, by the ruling class, and their compliant cops and military. And so far in my life, woke, informed, and revolution-minded, peaceful or violent it might have to be, peasants like you and me, are way outnumbered by sheeple, who are either too ignorant or apathetic to know and see who their real enemy is, or are too demoralized or gutless, to ever take on the system, and fight the power, either politically or violently.

So until the vast majority of sheeple change, all you and I can do is helplessly deplore the situation. I am not holding my breath, Darren, because as I've gotten older, I have only seen things get worse, and thus have no reason to be optimistic and expect change for the better before I am dead.

@FvckY0u Doesn't really matter, until enough people are opting out and resisting, to make it a critical mass, and we are a long ways away from ever being a critical mass..

@FvckY0u I hope I am proven wrong, but so far, history has only proven me right, as, since the early 70s, the only progressive changes we have seen have been on culture war stuff and identity politics issues, nothing since then that affected economic policies, war, the environment, and issues of power, all because we have two pro-war, pro-empire, and pro-corporate major parties, while workers, unions, and consumers, no longer have any real representation, at least any representation with real power, in either party. So we continue to get what we get. And always will, as long as people keep voting within the duopoly, and money continues to decide everything, rather than what the voters want for policies. The voters are allowed a say on things like ID politics and culture war shit, because those issues cost the rich and corporations nothing at all, but on everything else, only the donors are given any say in what policies are actually implemented, while the pols lie and pretend to care about the wishes of voters on those issues of money and power, until the election is over..

@FvckY0u Well, you'll just have to supply enough optimism, on your part, to be enough for both of us, because I see no evidence to have any, on my part.

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